Chapter 6.

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Holly's p.o.v


I woke up to giggling coming from the next room, what a surprise, Megs and James' room! It woke up both me and con, he grunted, obviously not a morning person like me. We both got out of bed and banged on the wall, 8am, why would Megan do this to me, why can't she just let me sleep?

We both jumped back into bed and Con looked at me and smiled, "thank you for a great night, I'm so glad I met you" I just smiled at him but i didn't need to say anything for him to know I felt the same, I was glad I met him, really glad. He put his arm under the cover to scratch his leg but his hand brushed past my leg which was my tickle spot so I jolted but ended up closer in to him, he looked at me again and giggled, then he kissed me, every kiss feels more and more passionate than the last, but this one was different.

We pulled out of the kiss and just laid there looking at each other until I just burst out laughing, I'm awful in starting contests and that's pretty much what we were doing, con just started laughing at me. I tried to get up out of bed but con grabbed me and pulled me back, he was honestly the cutest thing ever, and so we just laid and cuddled, I kissed his cheek before snuggling in under his arm, I just never wanted this to end.

Megan's p.o.v.


I woke up to a warm breath traveling down my neck, "morning you". It took me a few seconds to realize where I was and what the hell was going on. I looked up and saw James, "how long have you been up" I gave him a short smile and he told me he'd not been up long which was good and then he grabbed his phone. "It's only 8 do you want to stay here for a bit or do you want to get up?" I let out the most unattractive groan ever when realizing how early it was, I mean I never get up this early on a weekend and after yesterday's events, I needed sleep.

"It's too early, let's just stay here" I dove my head under the covers in an attempt to go back to sleep.

The next thing I new I felt a large pair of hands grip around my waist and pull me closer. I looked up to see the sharp out line of James' jawline, it was perfect. I was then taken by complete surprise as he pulled me into the most passionate kiss you could ever imagine, I mean yeah yesterday's kisses were unreal but this, it was something special, even with the slight musk of our morning breath.

I didn't want anything to get awkward so I thought I'd try and do the funny thing and lick his face and try and escape, yeah it didn't work, and somewhere along the line there was a massive banging on the wall telling us to shut up which only made us laugh even louder, but then it all got worse, he figured out my biggest weakness, being tickled! We couldn't control how loud we laughing but we were literally sounding like 5 year olds, not to mention the fact that I kept snorting like a pig which made me go really red but he didn't seem to mind.

We calmed down and just laid for a bit, "I'm so glad I met you megs" his words giving me chills, I shot him a wink and placed a kiss on his nose, "me too Jems". It was all to cute, I just laid in his arms and and we laid there. I was so grateful for this moment but it also kind of brought me down the fact that James is pretty famous and that this probably wouldn't last before he probably had to go somewhere, I shoved my thoughts to the back of my and decided to just live in the now. We just laid there, held in his warmth, it was crazy.

Connors p.o.v


I woke up to the sound of laughing, what a surprise it was James and Megan, that boy is not normal he's a morning person which I will never understand. Holly let out a groan from under the duvet an then went and banged on the wall, clearly she wasn't a morning person, like me. We got back in to bed and I looked at hol "thank you for a great night, I'm so glad I met you" she didn't respond but I could tell by the way she looked at me she felt the same.

I went to scratch my leg but my hand caught Holly's leg on the way down, she jolted in to me and we were now really close, I looked at her and then I kissed her, every kiss gets better and better. When we eventually pulled out of it we just laid and stared at each other until hol burst out laughing, she's so cute I just had to laugh at her.

Holly tried to get out of bed so I playfully grabbed her waist and pulled her in to me she let out another grunt and wriggled her way into me and put her head under my arm. She was so warm and looked so peaceful, I just didn't know what to do or say so I shifted my way down the bed and just cuddled into her, she let out a deep breath and nudged her head up on to my chest, I could just lay here all day.

Brads p.o.v


I felt tris cuddle in closer to me as I was about to fall asleep, this just felt right, like we'd always been close and when we were in hotels we'd share beds but this felt different, it felt nice.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing the toilet and I found my body intwined with tris', our legs were all crossed and his head was on my chest, it was so cute I forgot completely about the toilet and just cuddled up to him and fell back to sleep.

We were awoken by banging coming from hol and cons room, tris looked at me and groaned "morning trissy boy" I smiled at him, then he kissed me again "morning brad" I couldn't believe what was actually happening, nothing felt awkward it just felt nice. I still didn't really know if me and tris were even together I just sort of assumed, I mean I guess it's the same for everyone, no one spoke about making anything official but Megs and James slept together, hol and con slept together and me and tris did too. I could tell how the boys felt about Holly and Megan though, I mean they're my best mates I know everything about them and this I was certain about, they really liked them, like a lot.

Tris fell back asleep and I just watched him, he looked so peaceful and cute, I love him so much, I always have, but now I think I was actually developing feelings for him, I just wanted to kiss him, so I did. I placed a little kiss on his lips while he was sleeping and I got up and went to get dressed.

Tristans p.o.v.


I went to sleep replaying the days events over and over again in my head, everything, from meeting the girls to realising I was gay! I guess I've always had a thing for brad, I just thought we were really good mates that's all, but the way his lips felt on mine, no way were we just friends, we had to be more.

I was woken up to the sound of walls banging and what sounded like an uproar of laughter, I knew nothing was happening though because they aren't like that, James and con, I knew it must have just been James making Megan laugh and Con, not being a morning person, telling them to shut up.

"Morning trissy boy" the way he said my name gave me chills, "morning brad" I said planting a kiss straight on his lips. I knew we weren't a couple but it felt right, sparks flew every time we kissed and I never wanted it to end. I pulled away and laid back down, in hopes of trying to fall back to sleep.

I could feel brads eyes watching me as I slept, I didn't mind though, just look at him, shit maybe I am like head over heels with this boy, what will the others think?! I felt brad place a kiss on my lips as he got up to get dressed, I knew he couldn't go back to sleep once he'd been woken up, which is one of the many reasons I loved him. WAIT NO, no no no I meant liked, of course I meant liked, I can't love him yet, can I?

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