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Your POV

I stared out the front window of the car with wide eyes as we pulled up in front of the warehouse. It was probably three stories tall, and it looked like it should of been a house instead of a warehouse. Vanoss stopped the car and we all got out. The second car with the others pulled up beside us and they all piled out. We walked up to the doors and Vanoss threw them open. I looked around. On one side was a small shooting range. On the other, multiple punching bags hung from the ceiling. In the center of the room was a pretty big sparring ring with a few benches around it. We all split up. Some went to the shooting range, and some went to the punching bags. Me, Wildcat, and Vanoss went to the ring. Brock came up beside Vanoss as I removed my sheath and dropped it on one of the benches. I turned to Wildcat, who was already in the ring, and stepped into the circle. Wildcat smirked.

"I want to see what your capable of Hound. No holding back. Either of you." Vanoss said, looking from me to Wildcat. This made Wildcat's smirk grow, and I was sort of worried now. I crouched slightly and brought my hands up, turning them into fists as I put them in front of my face. Wildcat copied my movements. "Begin." Wildcat lunged at me, bringing his elbow up. I jumped back as his elbow swung to where my face just was. I punched at his stomach. He stumbled back as my fist hit home. I skipped forwards as I went for a scissor kick. He caught my foot and pushed it, making me fall backwards. The second my back hit the ground, I used the momentum to back roll into a crouching position. He charged me, and I spun on my feet, somersaulting out of the way. I jumped up just as he spun to me. He punched at my jaw. The first two I blocked. As he went for a third punch, I bent my legs slightly to brace for the momentum of his punch as I brought my hand up and caught his fist. His eyes widened slightly and he pulled his fist back. He punched at my face again, and I dropped. I spun and stuck out my leg, catching Wildcat's ankle. I knocked him to the ground and quickly jumped onto him. I positioned my leg at the base of his throat and slightly dug it in. He grabbed my knee and rolled, throwing me off of him. I felt his grip loosen on my knee and I yanked it back. I stood up as he did. I brought my fists back up in front of me and studied Wildcat. He was breathing fast and heavily, but my breathing was even and slow. I started to side step around him as he matched my pace. Slowly, I closed the space around us, and I could tell he wasn't aware. Once I was close enough to him, I two stepped and spun, round-house kicking him. I hit him in his stomach, and he doubled forward, clutching at his stomach as he coughed. I brought my elbow down on his spine, and he fell, sprawling out. I backed up as he pushed up onto his feet. He spun to me and glared. He charged at me, and I side stepped, just for him to grab my jacket's arm. I quickly slipped out of it and he tossed it out of the ring. He punched at me again, and I crossed my arms in front of my face as I felt his fist connect with them. He grabbed my arms and threw me to the ground. I tried to push up, but Wildcat brought his hand around my throat, not enough to choke me, but as a way to limit my options for escape. I bared my fangs at him, as I let my flames course through my body and up to the area where his hand is, heating my skin. He released my throat and shook out his hand. I punched him in the face and smiled as I felt my fist connect with his nose. The punch knocked him off me. The heat coursed from my neck to the rest of my body. I stalked up to him and grabbed his wrist and fore arm. He scrambled to his feet as I started turning, pulling him with me. I used the momentum to pull his arm in front of me, and watched as I literally threw him several feet, out of the ring. He hit the ground on his side, and slid a few feet, sprawling out on his back. He scrambled back to his feet and just stared at me. I realized that everyone had gone silent, and I looked around to see that the others were staring at me, pure shock on their faces.

"Okay, let me get this straight." Lui said, putting his gun down and walking over from the shooting range to where I was. "This kid managed to throw someone who is probably three times her weight-" He started walking from where I was over to Wildcat, counting the distance. "-twelve feet from where she was standing. Is it just me, or does that seem a little impossible." He turned to the others as they continued to stare at me.

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