Losers club request

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A/n - This was requested by ewstopplease Sorry it took a long ass time, hope ya enjoy! Oh and sorry if there's mistakes I missed lol. Okay hope ya enjoy!~~~

You were staring at yourself in the mirror, bored with how you looked. You desperately wanted a new look that was exciting and different from your usual self. After thinking, you decide it's time for a change.

You inform your (guardian/s) your leaving, but you don't tell them what you have in mind. You walk around town and look at different stores, but decide to go to the shop you had your eyes on for awhile. It's a piercing shop, you've wanted a piercing for a long time, but never got around to it. You look at the different piercing styles and decide to go with the septum piercing. You tell the girl doing your piercing what you want and she start getting the tools prepared. You start to feel nervous, but excited at the same time. "Okay you ready?" the woman asks while putting on gloves. You shake your head yes, feeling your heart beat rapidly. "Alright on the count of three" she says. You shake your head yes again. "Three, two, one" and with that she puts a needle through your septum and places the piercing in. There was pain, but it wasn't that bad. The woman hands you a mirror and you look at the piercing and let out a big smile. You absolutely love it, it was exactly what you were looking for, the piercing also suited your face very well. You smile and tell the girl, "I love it! Thank you so much" She smiles back and says, "your welcome." You pay then walk out the store feeling great .

Next, you decide to do something new with your hair. Your (color) hair was what you wanted to change up the most. You end up going to a professional hair salon because you want your hair to look as good as possible. You go inside and a smiling lady comes up to you and takes you to a salon chair. You tell her how you want your hair and she begins. A little bit later she finishes and takes you to a mirror. You gasp, your old (color) hair was replaced by a beautiful shade of purple and in an amazing (hairstyle). You pay and thank the lady for an outstanding job and head home.

You get home around 6:00 and tell your (guardian/s) your home. They come towards you and are suprised, but not mad. You eat dinner then head off to bed. Before going to bed you look at yourself in the mirror for the billionth time. You feel great about yourself. You no longer feel bored on how you looked, you now feel refreshed, relieved in a sense. Finally, you hop into your bed and start thinking. Your curious and anxious about what your friends will think of how you look now. Soon enough you fall asleep

You wake up from a great sleep and start getting ready. You dress into (outfit) and put your purple hair into (hairstyle). You put on make up (If you want makeup). You brush your teeth and do your other hygienic stuff. You eat breakfast and leave. You make your way to the barrens, which is were the gang will most likely be. As your walking, you feel a nervous/exciting tingling feeling in your stomach.

You arrive and see them by the dam you guys built, they don't see you yet though. "Hi guys" you say loud enough for them to hear. They turn their heads to you and their eyes widen, shock and suprise is etched all over their faces. They stay that way for a few seconds before you clear your throat. Bev was the first to come to you, "Oh my gosh! You look so great y/n!" she said pushing away the unnecessary tiny pang of jealousy she couldn't help but feel. All the losers came up to you taking in your new look. "Damn y/n, your looking HOT!" Richie said loudly. You giggled a bit at what Richie said. "Hmmm, So.....exotic" Stan whispered thoughtfully. "Y-you look guh-gorgeous y/n" Bill said blushing, avoiding eye contact with you. "Wow" was all Eddie said taking a hit out of his inhaler. "Yeah, wow" Mike repeated after Eddie. Ben smiled at you and said, "You look different, good different." Ben's comment was what you really wanted and craved for from the beginning, so that made you very happy. You smiled brightly and stated, "Thank you! This means so much to me, I love you guys!" They replied with a bunch of "I love you too's" and stuff. And with that, you had one of the greatest days of you life.

A/n - Ayyy it's been awhile since I've written sooo yeah. Sorry if this wasn't what you expected, but thanks for requesting! I'd also like to thank you guys for all you support, I fucking love you guys man. Alright bitches, I'm out. ~~♡

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