We all woke up In the nazi base, there were a couple more people here. The Nazi says you will be worked or killed. The sent us to a cell for the night but I wish I never woke up because tomorrow was hell. We were woke up at 5:00 am and non stop work ever since we got a piece of bread and tiny bit of water once a day we had to smash rocks the first day and one person already killed it was a kid named Perez he couldn't hold the hammer to smash the rocks and got killed right in front of us. After we did it we had to sharper there knifes another kid died named Pierson stab himself after that one more station, material station a men named zuzz made a noose and hung himself. Then sent us to the cell the next day the nazis said to order us to be killed, turner got killed first, than harry was brought up and the...the...the America army came and the Nazi said he would kill Harry if you got closer until he just shot him to the ground then he got shot. We were brought to a truck and brought to a us amry camp. They said questions like were you from what age and everything like that and said since your sixteen you can join the amry me and ronan looked at each other and nooded and we said yes and join the amry