My Last Artwork

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  • Dedicated to shimiki

"Aaaagghh! Where'd I put it?!" The blond youth right next to you starts to panic. He looks like he's searching for something.

"Here....You can use this..." You handed over your pencil. "Just return it to me after art class." You smiled at him. He smiles back taking the pencil and replying a simple 'Thank's.'

Kise Ryouta. People say that he's the most popular person in school. Not only because of his looks but also his talent. He perfects it in no time. His Happy-Go-Lucky attitude can sometimes be irritating but he is fun to be with.

You have been his classmate since middle school. Now both of you are in Kaijo high. You live very close to his house. You would sometimes visit him. However, his popularity and career gets in the way. He doesn't have enough time for you. His fangirls would even blackmail you.

"I know that it's not my fault that I'm this close to him.."

You get sick easily. You would even stay in the hospital for one month. Kise would visit you in the hospital and tell you about what's happening and what are the requirements to do. 'cause of that, you two grew close to each other.

"She's only close to Kise-kun because she's almost like his childhood friend." "She's a flirt." "She's getting in the way every time I'm gonna go to Kise-kun!" "She's stealing Kise-kun away from me!"

Those rude words and rumors has spread allover the campus.

"I'm not a flirt.. and.. I would never steal anyone.."

You're happy when you're with him but people would think that you're just flirting more. You decided to stay away from Kise but he's hard to avoid or to ignore.

"______chii!!! Let's eat at Maji's later! I'll treat you!"

"No thank you Kise.."

"Okay.......See you later..."

You love arts. You love any form of art. You would always get a perfect score during art class. Other people would say that you brag about your score but no. You're not. You're happy that you always get a perfect score. Whats the bragging in that?!

Kise's always amazed at your art. He even suggested to be your model! but then again you remembered the rumors. So you refused.

"Well if you need some model.. Just call me and I'll strip in no time! Hahaha!"

"I didn't mean that Kise!!!"

"It was a joke! It was a joke!! Hahahah!"

One day, you decided to tell Kise that you need a model for Art class. Running to the gym, you saw Kise being kicked by their captain "Yukio Kasamatsu"

"Itaii, itaaiii!!! Kasamatsu-senpai!!! I promise I wont break the ring again I promise!!!"

"How can you break it when you already did!? Idiot!!"

"Itaiii!!!!!! E-Eh?" Kise noticed you standing behind the gym door. Saying 'Excuse me for a second' Kise runs to you. "_____chii! You never visited before! What's up?" Kise smiled as bright as the morning sun. "I-It's nothing... I just-.." Cutting your sentence Kise pulled you inside introducing you to all his team members. "She your girlfriend Kise?" Asked Moriyama, Kaijo's Shooting guard or well known as the: "Pitiful Handsome Guy". "Senpai...." Kise sighed. After the introductions, you watched Kise and the others practicing really hard.

"Their teamwork and faith at each other is really unbelievable."

Amazed on how Kise and the others are doing, you felt like something is stabbing your chest. You can't breath. You're feeling dizzy and your vision is starting to blur. You hold your sketchpad tighter and tighter.

"It hurts."

The more you breath the more the pain overwhelms in your body. Kise noticed you looking pale and decided to request for a time out.

"_______chii?! _______CHIIIII!!!!"

Right before Kise reached you, you fell to the ground and starts to cough. Your nose starts to bleed and you start to vomit blood. Kise and the others started to panic. They called their homeroom teacher. You continue to cough. Kise starts to pat your back, hugging you tightly. "_____chii!!! Hold on! Just a little longer!"

Finally, the teacher arrived and called the ambulance. They took you to the nearest hospital. Kise was so worried that he didn't sleep or eat just to take care of you. Your parents work overseas so they cannot visit you or take care of you.

The doctor said that you have an unknown disease. He said that your life is at risk and doesn't know when your life will last.

You have awaken on the second week. You saw Kise sleeping, resting his head on the side of your bed. You took your sketchbook, pencil and canvas then starts to draw the sleeping blond.

Your vision is getting blurry and you feel the pain on your chest again. You gathered all your strength and kissed the blond's forehead. "I-I'm sorry Kise... I can't be by your side anymore...Goodbye.."

Kise was awaken by your cold lips and the rapid beeping sounds near at where he is sitting. He started to burst into tears. He called the doctors. He started to panic!...

"______chii! Don't leave me! Please stay!..." Kise hugged your frail looking body. You pointed at the edge table near your bed. "T-The sketchpad...... I-I want you to take care of it... K-Kise.." You smiled.

The nurses took your body to the operating room leaving Kise behind. Kise took the sketchpad and hugged it tightly.

After a few minutes, the doctor went out the operating room looking depressed.

"I'm......sorry to say sir but.. It's too late to save her..."

Kise punched the wall, Kasamatsu and the others arrived in a hurry and tried to stop the rampaging blond.

"Kise calm down!"

Kise ran to the hospital's rooftop and screamed. He sat down the cold floor and opened the sketchpad. He saw a drawing of himself sleeping. Behind the drawing lies a message that you wrote to him. He then starts to read the message..

"Dear Kise,

I'm so sorry if I can't stay. I'm at my limit. It's really getting hard for me to breath or to speak... I hope you understand.. I don't really want to leave, actually.. I even wished for me to play basketball with you because it seems like fun! but... My body refuses.. So what I can only do is to walk, write and draw. I really enjoy Art class when you're there but your fans rejects me.. That's why I avoid or ignore you.. I'm so sorry Kise.. I really didn't mean to do it but.. that's just how the world turns.. haha.. I drew you by the way.. I wanted to tell you that I need a model but you started to introduce me to your teammates they were really funny! I should say.. You should be happy to have great friends Kise... and.... I'm also glad that I can be your friend..Don't forget me okay?! Stay with your Positive attitude! and try not to annoy everyone so much okay?! Until next time... I love you Kise!...

Love, ________


I don't want you to cry! I want you to be strong! Okay? Great! Oh... about the pencil.. You forgot to give it to me!! Oh well, It's all yours! Take care of my sketchpad!..and yourself of course!"

Kise wipes his tears and lays down on the floor, looking at the stars. He remained silent for a second and smiled.

"______chii... You're too late.. I cried already!.... You're so unfair... but.. It's a promise.. I won't forget you _____chii!..."

MY LAST ARTWORKWhere stories live. Discover now