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I hope Mya trusts me, because I swear I didn't tell ANYONE, I would never, not until she's ready.  I would never betray her I wanna ask her on another date because the last one was so successful, but that might seem clingy, Me and Mya are waking together, our arms are touching, I wanna hold her hand so bad...but no, that might seem odd..*sigh*
She's not even looking at me, she's just staring straight ahead, the only facing me is her rosy cheeks,
"What do we even have" I blurt out to break the silence.
"TM" she says
Oh no, thats a class that I DONT have with Mya, I'm freaking out, this is the first time I've been in a class without Mya since we started dating, it's ok. It's only for and hour and then we have..um?
"Hey Mya what do we have after TM"  please be a good class PLEASE BE A GOOD CLASS
SHIIIIIIIIITTT, so that's TWO HOURS with Mya, at least no more can happen cause they are the only two classes we don't have together.
Mya walks off to ag and I go over to woodwork
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ugh, why is wood work so much more BORING, I mean I usually  hate wood work cause I'm stuck in a class with a bunch of boys WITHOUT my friends , but today it just feels worse than it usually does, I can't even concentrate on what the teacher is saying, it's all a beeper out  blurt, is this what happens when your not with' the LOVE OF YOUR FREAKING LIFE, well no because I don't feel this way when I'm at home...oh gosh I'm starting to feel a bit........a bit dizzyyy..yy...y

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I open my eyes and a can hear people whispering "she's awake!"
Once I get a chance to wake my whole body up I realise IM IN SICK BAY?!? WHAT?!?
And what's holding my hand- MYA!!
"Lani! Your awake, finally!" She hugged me, I love hugs in general like I will take hugs all day any day but like, ones form Mya just complete my world.
That last thing I remember is woodwork so I gather I must have fainted or something. The nurse lady thingy decided to leave me hear, mya asked if she could stay with me. I went RED, the nurse said no. I hate that nurse now.

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