Her facadè

74 18 0

She smiles

He frowns

They sit,
an entire classroom apart
as outside
a storm passes

She laughs

He nearly chokes

She doesn't seem to notice him
but he notices her

Her wavy brown hair scalades,
like a waterfall
onto her shoulders
down her back

Her light brown eyes
hold a secret gleam
not of joy
but of pain.

She looks up,
sees him

They lock eyes

She sees something
in his dark green eyes
something that tells her

You're not alone

Her mask slips
her facadè;gone

Pain is as clear
as a crystal
in her eyes

Her torment in obvious
in her expression

Her trembleing lips...

Her hands that seem to hold the desk,
looking for something
To hold onto.

She shows
what the boy
has seen all along

Her smile was fake

just another attempt to hide the truth

Her laugh was fake

All for the publics' sake

No one wants to see
or hear
about the pains of life

No one
to think
that life
isn't perfect

That there's no agony

That everything will turn out
like a fairy tale
if you work
hard enough


She knew that.

Life isn't a movie.
Life isn't a book.
Life isn't a fairy tale.

Life is hard.
Life is painful.
Life is shit.

But she can't
show that part of herself.

It's easier to pretend
that life is simple.

Easier to pretend
that life
is at its fullest for her.

Oh, so much easier

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