
706 53 10

10:30 am

taehyung: good morning^^
taehyung: i saw u leaving early
taehyung: u were crying :( | deleted
taehyung: do u work?
seen, 10:45 am

taehyung: i saw that lab coat on ur shoulder so i guess ur a doctor
taehyung: tbh its convenient to have a doctor right across the sreet
taehyung: sunce i get sick often
seen, 10:52 am

taehyung: since*
seen, 10:58 am

taehyung: btw im a pastry chef so if ur hungry just ring my doorbell (:
taehyung: im not that good tho
seen, 11:01 am

taehyung: i work at the cafe near the city hospital
taehyung: if u work there then u can totally eat at our cafe :]
seen, 11:08 am

taehyung: i need to go to work now
taehyung: see u later :))
seen, 11:13 am

taehyung: bye ü
seen, 11:15 am

kim taehyung logged out.

jisoo: 👍

a/n: that freAKiNg emoji there aaaargh :{

i will update soon. just dont know when.

take care everyone.


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