Insta, what ?

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Chapter 3 : Insta , what ?
Story starts here :

( Later on in the day at the park )

‘‘Insta what,’’ I ask Weston.

‘‘Instagram Em , instaGRAM’’

‘‘ ok what about this instaGRAM? ’'

You should get it , he states.

‘‘Why would I post pictures of myself, I don't need EVERYBODY to know I'm a baked potato,’’ I say.

‘‘ how many times do I gotta say this , your NOT a baked potato , even if you were you'd be a CUTE potato,’’ he says winking.

I turn a deep shade of red and turn away hoping he doesn't notice it.
But unfortunately he did.

‘‘ Awwww is Emily blushing ? ’’

‘‘ No I'm not, but you wish ’’

He just walks towards me and stops inches away from my face.

If you think this is gonna be a fairy tale part of the story, where we kiss and fireworks and blah blah blah well you're wrong. :)))

He gets inches away from my face and, runs away his arm swinging around him.

I chase him and , again no this is not where I accidentally fall on top of him and we kiss , no I'm not a romantic.

{ Just wait, Emily , just wait 😉 }

I grab his arm and make him face me and , I give him a light smack on the face.

‘‘OWWW,’’ he screams ‘‘in pain’’

That's what you get I say with an evil grin on my face.

Ok ANYWAYSSSS, are you going to get Instagram ?

Do I have to ?

Yes, for me :)))

Well that just makes it worse, and I run of into the sunset.

Hello people !
Ik this is a short chapter forgive me, I'll say one word, boy problems , everything is explained right ?☺
As you have noticed I have no idea where this book is going :))
So if any of you have any ideas you want me to include or think would be good for this book , pm me.
*insert daniel james seavey adorable wink here
Ok byeeeeee

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