Chapter 2

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George POV:

“Would you stop pacing? She’s going to be okay!”

“It’s not her I’m worried about Josh! It’s the people around her. You know real people.” I said hushing my tone down so as not to give the element of doubt to any passer-by.

“You have to have some faith in her. She isn’t a maniac. She knows the consequences.” Josh looked at me then suddenly started waving frantically. I felt two cold hands cover my eyes.

“Guess who?” She whispers ending her question with a slight giggle. Aaliyah!

“Hey you!” I said turning around so as to be able to hug her properly. The smell of roses coming from her body entered my nostrils. It seemed like I hadn’t hugged her for ages. It wasn’t until she pulled away so as to give a bone-crushing hug to Josh that I looked at her angelic face. Her eyes had dampened into a kind of maroon colour and a small hint of scarlet was surrounding the edge of the pupils. Her cheeks had a hint of red in them and when she smiled her dimples shown so vividly you’d actually think she’s human.

“I missed you two!” She exclaims smiling ever so brightly.

“We did too but what I really like for you to do is spill. What’s going on in Forks?” Josh asked. And that’s how it started- a whole car drive talking about family, vampire attacks and most definiatly about the Volturi.

“Okay guys we’re here!” I said stopping Josh and Aaliyah in mid-conversation about some new wolf that had joined Jacob’s pack. I could see Aaliyahs’ fists clench and her nostrils flare. It wasn’t until that a group of friends had passed our car that she managed to relax slightly.

“You have to control that!” I point out.

“I’m trying.” She says getting up from her seat. Well try harder! I wanted to shout. People can’t know what we are. But I stood silent and nodded appreciating the fact that she was here with me. After all this is what she wants, right?

Aaliyah POV:

Just breath. Take simple breaths like a human. Be a human. Why is this so difficult? Why can’t I do this? “Thanks” I mumble to Josh who had kind-heartedly handed me my luggage. He looks at me and then whispers in my ear, “It’s okay!”

He’s right. It’s okay. I’m in London! I’m closer to my brother. I just have to focus more. I heave up my luggage on my shoulder and run up the stairs. “You know to humans luggage is heavy, so college girls don’t usually lift it up to their shoulders and jump the stairs two-by-two” George said sarcastically.

“Oh right. Sorry.” I put down the luggage heavily on the stairs and pretend to be heaving up my ‘heavy’ luggage. I’m about to open the front door itching to get to know where I will be living from now on til… “Aaliyah Shelley?” I turned round and a guy grabbed me suddenly and hugged me tight. The smell of his blood filled my nostrils but I managed to control it and hug him back.

“It’s Cullen.” George says obviously noticing my composure.

“Oh. Sorry. Thought you’d be a Shelley. I’m Louis . Louis Tomlinson.” He was talking so fast that when his lips stopped moving I stayed numb for a few seconds till I replied “Aaliyah. Very pleased to meet you.” I honestly liked his peppy attitude and he actually insisted on carrying my luggage.

“So, why aren’t you a Shelley?” He asks as I make my way to the secretary office.

“George was adopted. He had insisted on keeping his official surname.” I explained avoiding the harsh comments coming from all the whispering groups in the hall.

“Enough about me. Aaliyah you have to go and visit the Head of the whole college- Mrs.Barington. She knows Carlisle so just mention him and she’ll welcome you with open arms. Her office is right down  the hall.”George gestured down the hall

“You’l immediately recognise it love. It has “MS.BARINGTON” written in capital letters on her door.” Louis said.

“Okay then. I’ll come visit you when everything is ready.”

“I’ll come with you.”George said already grabbing my luggage from Louis’s hands.

“Actually I prefer to go alone. Thanks though for the offer.” I lifted myself up on my toes and kissed him lightly on his right cheek while Louis handed me the luggage. Thanks to the efforts made by Josh and Louis George was escorted to the elevator looking as if he was a little boy deprived from a toy car.

George POV:

Seriously! Alone!

“Okay. Our room is on the third floor. Number 13.” And with that Josh pushed me out of sight and into the elevator.

Aaliyah POV:

I knocked slightly on the door already hearing the footsteps inside the door stop.

“Come in.”

“Hi. Um, excuse me. I’m Aaliyah Cullen. I’m new at the school and I was told to come to you immediately.”I say head-bent not knowing if I was speaking loud enough for human ears.

“New student huh? Well. I’m Mrs. Barington, Head of this college. Let me just check on my computer.” She started typed on her computer till she apparently found what she needed and lifter her head up from the screen.

“Alliyah Cullen. Nineteen years old. Your Major is Health and you will have the following timetable.” She says handing me a paper. I could tell it was just printed by the smell of fresh heat and the warmth that was radiating out of the paper.

“One more thing Miss Cullen. You will be sharing a room with Cassidy Jones, lovely girl. Your room will be on the fifth floor Room 21.This is your key. I hope you have a wonderful scholastic year here Miss Cullen.” She warmingly smile and for a minute I actually thought that someone was seeing me human but it wasn’t long that her smile was slightly fading. Her eyes started tracing my skin, my eyes, my red lips..

“Nice to meet you Ms.Barington.” I say rushing out of the room. I guess I can never change. They’ll always see me a monster. “Conceal Aaliyah” That is what Carlisle would say. “Just conceal”

George POV:

I was leaning on one of the walls when a sharp pain came through my skull. I was suddenly in my room. I easily recognised the cream walls and the wooden tiles. However there was a guy I had never seen before. He was ruffling inside his luggage till he took out a photograph. There was a woman and a girl in the picture. They both were smiling brightly. He kept on unpacking and looked around him. It was that moment when he looked up and I saw his face. It wasn’t long before I was shot back into where I am with the ring of the elevator. 

We head to our room knowing the way with our eyes closed. Till we reached the room Me and Louis were argumenting on who should have the separate room. "I need my own room. I have too many stuff to share it with someone." Louis emphasis.

"Like what? I have more than you." I say.

Josh opened the door amused by our little argument when he stopped short and coughed silently to gain our attention. In my room was the boy I had seen in my vision. He was sitting on the bed reading a magazine. 

"See you like Batman mate!" Louis says entering the room as if he knew the guy. Me and Josh slowly enter behind him. 

"Guess neither of us has a separate room." I mock Louis.

"Hi I'm George Shelley." I say extending my hand towards the boy. And you are?"

"Harry. Harry Styles." He says gladly shaking my hand.

"Well I'm Josh and that's Louis." We basically end up lookign at each other silently not knowing what to say. Louis was pratically thinking of any subject to break the subject whle Josh was just too lazy to do anything so he sat on my bed and stared at the wall. Suddenly the room burst open and a familiar giggle is echoed in the room. Suddenly Harry's glance was fixed at someone. His body tense and I could hear his heart pumping faster. His chest was moving up and down and it wasn't till Josh traced to where Harry's glance was spotted on. That is when he said "Aaliyah!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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