Chapter 1

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In this story Jacob has a brother and a baby sister. Rachel and Rebecca and not in it. The whole pack is in this story so don't panic all you werewolf fans out there.

Isabella's pov

I was on my way to my fathers house in forks Washington because my mother and her new husband phil is away on business and she couldn't take me with them so I said I could go to my dads for the time she is away and right now I'm about to land in forks and then I heard over the radio we are now landed in forks Washington you may now exit and so I took my belt off and exited the plane and I saw my dad Charlie standing there and I went over to him and hugged him and he said its great to see you Bella and I said its good to see you to dad and dad said ok let's go home.

So we went home and I saw the house was the same as before so I went inside to find that my room was the same as before and so I started to unpack all my stuff and went down stairs to hear my dad on the phone in the kitchen and he said Renee I know you said not to tell her but it's really hard to look at her knowing that she isn't our child she needs to know that she is adopted she needs to know her real parents and he hung up so I then walked into the kitchen and said to my so called father what do you mean I'm adopted and Charlie said oh Bella I'm so sorry we wanted to tell you for so long but we didn't think you were ready yet and I said ok Charlie who's my real parents and Charlie said oh Bella sweetie your real parents are Sarah and Billy black and you have two brothers and one sister your brothers are called Jacob and Andrew and your sister is called Bree and I said but Charlie Sarah died last year that means my mother is dead and Charlie said yes Bella she is I'm so sorry.

I said Charlie why did they give me up and Charlie said I'm sorry Bella but I can't answer that only Billy can and I said ok then what age are my brothers and sister and Charlie said well Bree is 10 and Andrew is 17 and Jacob is 18 but Bella you are only 15 years old we didn't want you to find out until you were 18 so we could prepare you for it and I said I don't care Charlie I want to meet them and get to know them as my real family and when I leave this house I don't ever want to see you or Renee again is that understood and he said yes Bella it totally is again I'm so sorry.

I went up to my room and started to pack my bags again and ran down stairs and went into the kitchen to see Charlie and tell him I'm going for good so I went into the room and said ok Charlie I'm going I don't want to see you or Renee ever again and with that I ran out the door and got out my phone and called and taxi and it came in seconds and I asked him to take me to la push drive and he took me there and it only took about an hour to get there and so I got out of the taxi and paid him the money and got my stuff out of the car and went over to the door and I was so nervous that I didn't even know I was knocking on the door to the house and a couple of seconds later the door opened to show a young looking boy about 17 years old this must be Andrew I said to myself and he said hi can I help you miss and I said yes is Billy in at all and he said yes I'll go get him.

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