I'm so sorry >_< (Don't skip the chapter there are some pics)

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I know, I know you were expecting anther update and just for that I will put some pic at the end of this for you, and don't worry there will not be that many words.

Ok so I am so sorry that I was gone for a month, i promise you I didn't die lol but I am moving and I am moving in to a little room smaller then my room I am in now and if you now the size of my room now you'd be shook lol so that is all I wanted to say now I will shut up and put in some pics.

Ok so I am so sorry that I was gone for a month, i promise you I didn't die lol but I am moving and I am moving in to a little room smaller then my room I am in now and if you now the size of my room now you'd be shook lol so that is all I wanted ...

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