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Dear stranger,

I guess you aren't busy like past two days because you have been calling me non-stop. Everytime, I sent it to voicemail.

After certain time, the ringing stopped but a beep accompanied my phone. I peeked up at my screen and saw your message
           "Where are you??"

Of course, I decided to ignore it. Outside I was so calm,but in inside I was anxious about your message.

My main focus was towards today which was definitely going to get boring like past two days.

After being cooped up in Lucy apartment, feeding on icecream and doing nothing, I was fed up. Whenever I tried to do something, Lucy will admonish me for not taking proper care of my hand.

Since I couldn't do anything else, I decided to go grocery shopping with Lucy. Before she could scold me further, I was out of the door.Certain minutes later, she came out of the door huffing at me.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

Rolling her eyes, she took the car out of garage for the shopping. I was ecstatic for our little trip. For the whole ten minute ride, Lucy and I sang our heart out with the tune of One Direction. Maybe,we had made someone deaf due to our horrible singing.

When we reached the store, Lucy gave me the list of light-weight things.  She told me to meet her at the cashier front when I had finish my shopping.
I just nodded at her and went giddily to the chocolate aisle.

I needed some white and dark chocolates for the baking of my cake. Lucy was weary at the idea of me baking with only one hand at first.

How did she agree with me?

My puppy dog eyes had worked like a charm at her.She had always been sucker for them.

I was concerntrating on my task to fill up my midnight secret stash, when without warning a little body latched its arms around my legs.

I looked down and there was the little brown-eyed monster staring at me with toothy grin. I couldn't help, but let the smile paint over my face at his sight. The toddler tugged my pants as if daring me to pick him up. Only when he saw my plaster cast, he stopped tugging. He looked at it sadly, and shook his headwith a cute sigh. I couldn't stop giggling at his antics.
Seeing me giggle, he too started laughing. His laugh was like a tinkle to my ears. So innocent and happy.

I crouched down to his level and offered him some colouful M&M. He took few with his small hand and put all of them in his little mouth. He slowly started chewing them and smiled at me with a full mouth. He looked so  funnily delightful that once again, I started giggling with him.

Our giggling contest was stopped when suddenly a familiar voice was heard chiding from behind
" Alexander! What have you done now?"

Guess whose voice was it?

It was your voice, Caleb.The little boy looked behind me innocently and smiled in toothiest manner.

I heard your gentle sigh and knew that you fell for the little bugger's act.

When you came forward to pick him up, I hide my face behind my hair. Suddenly, you turned towards me and spoke in apologetic tone
" I am sorry for any inconvenience from my little boy. He is quite shy,but mischievious."

I cleared my throat and replied
       "No problem".

It seemed like voice gave me away, forwhy you said my name.


I decided to run in another direction, when you suddenly gripped my right hand and pulled me towards you.
I was fold compactly in your arms in  few seconds.

When I refused to see your face , you again called my name.

This time the sound of your voice urged me to look up at you.

"Hmm!He is more beautiful in close up," my mind sighed in bliss.

When it appeared that we weren't paying any attention to him, Alex squealed loudly as if to notify that we should notice him.

Alex's squealed brought me out of my trance,and I slowly pushed  your's body away from mine.

You picked Alex gently and spoke
" Lexi! What happened to your hand?"

I brittled at your words and glared at you in annoyance.

"Nothing. Just desperate for your attention."

Your eyes widened at my statement. I started arranging my items totally ignoring you. Before I could leave the aisle, you spoke in a broken whisper
"Please, Lexi. That was just a misunderstanding. Infact,I am the one desperate for your attention. Give me one chance to explain."

My walls slowly started cracking at your voice. I turned at you and spoke a small but firm voice
" Cafe Himalaya at 8 in the morning. Tomorrow."

Ultimately placing a small M&M packet at Alex hand, I went to cashier's desk. Lucy was already there waiting for me.

Finally paying up for our things,we retreated to our house for baking.

At sometime in night, tired from all the baking and talking with Lucy, I finally fell asleep peacefully.

For this time, I dreamt of playing with you and Alex in a meadow happily.


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