C3: Helper

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"Tell us your name. How old are you?" Nick asked, holding out an EVP recorder. Aaron and Cami turned their camera's to look around the room. (Cami was using Nick's.) Cami tugged at Aaron's sleeve and pulled him into the hallway. "Come with me to do another EVP session." She whispered. Aaron nodded and followed her down the hall. Cami switched off her camera, but Aaron kept his on. They walked down the stairs of the hotel to the 3rd floor, known to be one of the most haunted floors.

After a few EVP's, they replayed them.

Aaron: "Is anyone here with us? ....... What's your name? ....... Why are you still here?"

EVP: (in whispering male voice) "Sssheeee's prettyyyyyy."

Aaron turned to Cami with a worried look on his face. Her face was white and she was frozen in fear. She imagined myself NOT being scared, but Cami was scared down to the bone. She felt someone's hand wrap around my arm and tug softly. "Not right now, Zak." She said, pulling her arm. "T-there's no one behind you." Aaron chocked out, his camera on her. Cami turned around calmly and looked into the dark hallway. Suddenly, she saw a face; a man, early 20's and he was smiling. Not in an evil way, but soft and kind. It startled her and she screamed, jumping back into Aaron's arm. He had his arm out to catch her if she got pushed back, and when Cami jumped back, he audimaticly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. They heard Zak yell out in pain and she started running. Aaron ran behind her, turning on his flashlight. Cami skidded to a stop when she saw Zak hunched over in front of a door. "You ran into the door, didn't you?" Cami asked. "Yeah." Zak replied, standing up. Cami laughed and continued walking. Aaron chuckled and patted Zak on the back as he started following them.

They found Nick replaying his video footage. "I got nothing on video, but I swear I saw this little girl standing in the doorway." Nick pointed to the door in front of him. Zak walked over to door where the girl was spotted and pulled out his recorder. "Is there a little girl here? We're not going to hurt you." Zak's voice was soft, trying not to scare the kid. Cami had her hands by her side when she felt someone hold her hand. It was a little hand; a little kid. Cami's arm starting swinging slowly and she chuckled. A little girl giggled. "Hi." She smiled. Zak turned around to look at Cami. "Why'd you say hi?" Aaron asked, his camera on her again. She was still smiling. "Someone's holding my hand, then they swung my arm so I chuckled. I heard a little girl giggle so I said 'hi'." She responded. "I didn't hear anything." Nick said, looking at Zak and Aaron, who both shook their heads. "Replay that." Cami pointed to the recorder Zak was holding. He replayed it.

Zak: "Is there a little girl here? .. We're not going to hurt you."

*few seconds of static on recorder*

Cami: *faintly chuckles*

EVP: *girl giggling*

Cami: *faintly* "Hi."

Zak chuckled and looked at her with a smile. "You have a way with kids." He commented.

About an hour before sun-up, Aaron and Zak walked around the basement, looking for anything else. Cami began to feel lightheaded, so Nick stayed with her upstairs by an open window (since they couldn't go outside yet). Nick had his equipment turned off already. "Did you tell him anything? Either of them?" Cami asked. "Nah. I told you, it's our secret. When you're ready, if you're scared, I'll tell Aaron, okay?" Nick smiled. He was holding a flashlight so they weren't in the complete dark. Cami smiled back slightly. "I think I AM ready to tell him, I just don't know what to say." Cami looked out the window. "How about, 'hey Aaron, guess what? I have a crush on you and I know y-" Nick stopped, catching himself before he spoke the truth. "What did you say?" Cami asked, looking back at Nick. "Uhm..... nothing, never mind. What DID I say?" He did he best to get himself out of this - he failed. "Something along the lines of.. 'I have a crush on you and I know you...' You didn't finish. What were you going to say?" Cami's heart started pounding. Could he like me back?? Cami thought hopefully. Nick chuckled nervously. "I have something to tell you...." He started, his voice serious. He didn't know that Aaron was at the door when Nick said that. Right before Nick could start talking again, he walked in the room. "Hey guys, ready to go?" He asked, smiling at Cami. Cami smiled back and jumped up, walking over to Aaron. Nick followed them out the door and down stairs.

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