chicken pot pie

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"I'm sorry what?" I ask the rude boy sitting in front of me.

"I said I'm not going to guide you. I need to focus on my studies." He tells me.

"Let me tell you something Mr.Caterpillar eyebrows. I don't need you anyways. But go on. Leave me like I'm a piece of shit like everyone else then." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Nice knowing ya Caterpillar Boy." I say to him before leaving the room. I slam the door shut and I run to girls bathroom.

I really need to control my anger.It's getting way out of hand. I need to control it. Not just that. I need to control everything. The nightmares; the panic attacks. I just don't know how to hold it in anymore.

I've been trying to keep it in for so long now. But they're escaping. The demons are escaping.

I wash my face with the cold water and look at myself in the mirror.

"You can do this Mira. You can do it. Just go out there and be the boss that you are." I say to myself. I take a deep breaths in and leave the girls toilets.

"Hi." I hear a voice say. I jump and drop my bag. I sit on the floor and pick up my books and put them in my bag. I stop when I feel a cold hand touching mine. I look across to the same douchebag that I was talking to 5 minutes ago.

"Hey Caterpillar." I say to him. I let out a weak smile as I stand up.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way that I was acting. I just, it took me so long to get here, and I need to focus on my studies to have a good future. But, I guess guiding you wouldn't be that bad." He says. I let out a deep breathe.

I look up at him and smile. I'm starting to like this douche again. Maybe we can be friends. It looks like it's my only choice anyways.


"So what kind of things do you do in your spare time?" I ask Mira. She frowns at me. Did I say something wrong?

"Why should I tell you?" She says without a care in the world. She looks at me and searches for answers.

"Um, I-I just wanted to k-know." I say stuttering. She lets out a little chuckle and carries on looking around the library.

"You're cute, you know that right? But anyways, I was joking. Trust me, I'm not always a bitch." She says, throwing her long hair into a ponytail.

I tilt my head to the side.

"Really?" I say. After I realise what I've said I look at her, searching for signs of anger. But instead she laughs.

"Yes really. But read and sing." She says.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I like to read and sing in my spare time. What about you Caterpillar?" She asks me as she picks up an old book.

"Oh. I,um,I read? Oh! I also help my Mom out in the kitchen for when she cooks." I say with a smug look on my face. Girls can never resist boys who cook.

She snorts out loud and the librarian gives her a death stare.

"What?" I ask her, feeling slightly insecure.

"You're such a mama's boy Caterpillar. I think it's cute to be honest. I wish I had that." She says, her mood quickly turning sour. But before I could say anything she smiles again.

"You don't have to pretend ya know. I already know what a fake smile looks like." I say quietly, staring at my shoes.

She looks up at me and looks straight back down.

I open my mouth to ask her a question, but before I get the chance to, I hear a loud noise.

What the hell.

I turn around and see Mira smiling. She's clutching her stomach and she looks like she's about to burst.

"What's so funny?" I ask her.

"That sound was my stomach." She says laughing. What the. She found that funny?

"And that's the reason why you're laughing like a maniac?" I ask her, smiling stupidly.

She nods, unable to make a sound but I can still see her eyelashes wet with tears.

She bursts out again and this time I join in. I just can't hold it in, her laugh is so contagious.

"Out. Now. The two of you." I hear Mrs.Alexis say.

I drag Mira out of the room as she carries on laughing. She finally stops and apologises to Mrs.Alexis, but as soon as we step out she starts to laugh again.

Damn she laughs a lot.

"Come on Mira! Stop, you're making my sides hurt from laughing. And anyways I'm hungry, let's head to the cafeteria! Today's Monday and on Monday they serve chicken pot pie!" I say to her, dreaming about food.

She stops laughing as soon as I mention food, and she drags me along to the hall. She learns quick I guess.

"Look I'll line up and you go find a place to sit, okay?" I tell her. She nods her head and sits down on a pink chair next to the window.

I grab 2 pies and walk towards the table.

"Hey Mir-" I start, but I get cut off.

"Hey loser, finally found a friend? You know, you should really go look in a mirror. I mean, have you not seen your face?" James asks me.

I swallow back the tears and I look at Mira for help, but she has her headphones in.

"Awe, looking at your little girlfriend for help now are we?" Cathy asks me.

"You-you." I start but I can't get the words out. I look down at my hands.

"What? You little pussy, too scared to say anything?" Daniel asks.

"Excuse me mate, but what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Holo my fellow Aliens
Wobble wobble
Wibble wibble


I hope you're good!

qotd: what is your happiest memory?

ily munchkins
-beepboop ♡

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