Chapter 2

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         "Oh, oh, oh, look who came in Valerie!" said Ella winking at me while cleaning the countertop. I roll my eyes at her, fully knowing who she meant without turning my back and taking a glance at the door.

I make my way to the cashier register and throw a sweet smile to the person standing.

"Good Morning Detective Lucas, what can I get you today?" I say, seeing him in a rather rugged appearance that didn't look like him.

"Just coffee." He says, his voice laced with tiredness and exhaustion.

"Black?" I ask and he nods. I tell him his order is coming right up and he can take a seat, which he is quick to take.

I go into the kitchen and give a look to Ella we both know.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Ella says, worry clear on her face. Typical Ella, always worried for people, no matter who they are. I shrug and start preparing the coffee, after I was done preparing it, I took it and started walking towards Lucas, who sat next to the same window as yesterday and kept looking at the window.

"Not the best morning?" I ask, he lazily moves his eyes to me and them back to the window.

"You could say that." that was his reply.

"What's wrong?" I ask, clearly not satisfied with the awnser I was given. He glances at me again, but this time his eyebrows were raised in a questioning manner.

     "You seem awfully curious, aren't you, kitten?" He says and I scrunch my nose. He laughs loudly at my face expression.

     "Don't ever call me that. Ew." I say, shuddering at the ugly pet name.

    "Well, it quite suits you, curious kitten." He says and I open my mouth to reply but is rudely cut by a ringing phone. Lucas fishes his phone from his pocket and answers it in a hurry. After a couple of words and a more tense Detective Lucas, Lucas decides to take his farewell and leave.

    When he stands up to leave he asks for the check. I smile at him and shake my head.

    "It's on the house." I say with a wink, he smiles at me.

      "Thank you, kitten." He says and ruffles my hair before taking his leave and leaving me alone in-front of the table with a red face and ruffled hair.

      "OH MY FREAKING GOD! I SHIP YOU TWO SO BAD" Ella squeals loudly and I groan, face palming. Ella literally waits for anyone to talk to me to ship us together until she gets heartbroken that we didn't end up as a couple when we really never had a chance.

       "Babygirl, you know I love you but can you not do this? I promise Ill make you a fajitas when we go back home." I say and she immediately shuts up. Nothing can get this girl to do anything as much as fajitas.

       "Lets get to work and finish this up so we can go back home." I say as I hold a cloth and start cleaning the tables and Ella takes the floor. After 25 minutes, we are both done and we take off our aprons and close the store before heading home.

      "Val, did you notice something weird about the Detective? I felt like he was kind of.... off" Ella says out of nowhere as she drives. I shrug.

"Everyone has their bad days, don't worry about him, babygirl." I say and we fall into silence for a few seconds before the radio starts saying news instead of the music that was previously played on it.

"Important News: It seems like that the V culprit has a hidden agenda, doesn't they? Our favorite police officer was found alive but unconscious with a broken arm, he was found by his son, Lucas, in his apartment with a note that says 'an eye for an eye, and this is just the beginning' .Our most professional detectives and police officers are working on this case, as it looks like our culprit is driven by the power of revenge."

      "well, here you go Ella, that was the reason why he was so sad" I say with an eye roll at the glance Ella gives me.

   " I know you hate the guy but at least have some sympathy? Jesus Christ you're worse than my brother." Ella says as she parks the car and we both go out of it, Ella locking it afterwards.

I choose not to reply as we both enter our dorm and each go to their own room to freshen up. After I have taken a shower my phone rings and I quickly grab it while drying my hair.

"Hi?" I say since I didn't bother look at the caller's ID before answering .

"Hello, my dear. You already forgot your favorite auntie?" Aunt Adelia says and and I laugh.

"How can I?" I say dramatically.

"How are you? How's that little angel friend of yours?" My aunt says and I roll my eyes with a smile.

      My aunt has always thought that Elle is an angel, which she really was, but my aunt took an extra liking to her out of all my friends because she was so sweet and kind-hearted, she even used to help my aunt whenever she cane home with me after school.

     "We're both fine, we both miss you." I say with a soft smile as Elle mouths 'Aunt Adelia' and I nod. She makes a hugging motion with her hand and i laugh.

     "Elle sends you all her hugs." I say and my Aunt laugh.

     "Honey, I called you because I'm hosting a ball in two days, I want you both to come, can you? It's a charity ball so you don't have to worry about the snotty people and so." She says and I sigh.

    I was never one to like balls or these kind of events but I only did it for my aunt, since she was the closest thing I had to a mother.

     "Okay, we'll try to come. Anything else?" I say as I put on my pajamas and head to the kitchen to get the fajitas cooked.

   "No, just take care of yourself, and be careful okay baby?" She says and I tell her the same, we bid our welfare and end the conversation.

    After 10 minutes, Elle barges into the kitchen, inhaling the smell of the fajitas that were freshly out of the oven.

    "Is this heaven? I guess it is, I think you being french and being able to cook is the best gift ever. Thank you god." She says, pressing a hard kiss to my cheeks making me laugh as she carries the plates to the dinning table.

" She says, pressing a hard kiss to my cheeks making me laugh as she carries the plates to the dinning table

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