Why Am I Different?

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Credit to MissXNerd for the beautiful cover

As a child, I was surrounded by those who had dark skin and looked like me. I never had a problem with my appearance, I liked how I looked.

Then I moved countries. It was a completely new environment. It was different for me. I was in a school full of people with fair skin making me feel like the odd one out. What worried me the most was if they noticed that.

Out of my whole year there was only one other black person. At a young age I was aware that I wasn't like the others. I would often wonder if they thought I looked like a freak.

I was hypnotised by their features. I felt like I didn't belong. There were times when I thought maybe people treated me a certain way because of my skin colour. I dismissed this thought. Why would people do such a thing? I couldn't control the way I looked they must have known that, right?

First chapter up! So what'd you think? Don't forget to vote! This is a short story so chapters will be short. I will be posting new chapters frequently because I've already finished the book it's just a matter of if I remember to 😂

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