57 | Phone Call

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Jack+Greg Paul

Hey Greg

Greg Paul
Hi Jack. Is everything okay?

No not really

Greg Paul
Oh no, what's happened?

Well, Jonah told us about you being Kamryn's Dad

Greg Paul
Yes that's true.. I thought you knew?

No we didn't, Only Jonah did, Logan doesn't even know that him and Kamryn are related, buts that's not what I needed to talk to you about.

Greg Paul
That's terrible! I thought he knew! I need to tell him right away. But tell me what you needed to tell me first.

Don't tell Logan yet. Somethings happened. Kamryn's In trouble.

Greg Paul
If it's not appropriate timing then I won't tell Logan until you say. But what do you mean that Kamryn is in trouble?!

Exactly that, Kamryn's In trouble. She won't contact any of us, even Emery, and we are really worried about her. Has she been to see you?

Greg Paul
No, I haven't seen her since she moved to LA.

Please let us know If you do see or hear from her. We are all really worried about her, nobody can find her

Greg Paul
Of course I will Jack, but please find my little girl

We are trying our hardest to find her.

Greg Paul

No Problem

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