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The crisp, white jacket chaffed against my bare arms. I wiggled my fingers, trying vainly to keep the circulation flowing.

Kill her.

I whipped my head to the side, desperately relieving my head of the merciless whispers that haunted me. The psychiatrist's voice ceased. She stared at me curiously, her eyes silently begged me to explain the sudden movement. I looked down at the cracked cement beneath my feet. Greasy wisps of hair shadowed my face, hiding my eyes from her stony gaze. My fingers toyed with the thin piece of metal I had scavenged from the underside of my bed and hid inside of my jacket. I slowly began sawing at the thick material.

"Manda, are you okay?" The psychiatrist asked. She sounded annoyed, irritated. I continued the subtle movement of my wrist. Left right left right stop left right left right left right left stop.


The voice whispered louder than before. Instead of jerking at the sound, it seemed to motivate me to work faster. I could feel the small tug the strap made as it loosened and frayed.

"Manda," she said more forcefully. This time with no audible patience left in her voice. She was fed up with my ignoring her. I didn't care. I sawed faster and more forcefully. "Manda!" The psychiatrist slammed her clipboard onto her desk, this was the reaction I needed, the noise she was making was the perfect diversion for me, I slammed the metal down the fabric's inside, causing a loud tearing sound. My arms flew free of the bindings that had held me for a month now. My chair flew backward as I charged toward the woman. She let out an ear shattering scream, cut short by a measley piece of metal. I sawed at her flesh, tearing tendons and veins. A slight gurlging sound spilled from her lips, her blood flooded her mouth and overflowed onto the floor. It spurted onto my face and trickled down my arm, catching in the fabric of my bright blue scrubs. I tore into her neck, releasing the anger that had been bottled up for what seemed like forever. I could feel as the blade ground to a halt, striking bone, preventing me from going any further. My face slowly broke into a smile as what I had done slowly sunk in. My hand was sticky and wet from all of the excess blood she had shed, I peeled it from the shrapnel and stepped back. Her head gently lolled to the side, it bounced slightly. A couple of veins were still connected to her marred neck, other than that, the only thing keeping it from rolling away was her spine.

I smirked as I turned away from the gruesome sight that sat before me. I reached the doorway in two long strides, I stopped and listened for noise in the hallways. The only noise audible was the soft humming of the heater. I could hear my heart thumming in my chest, leftover adrenaline that pumped through my veins. I slowly peeked into the hallway, black. I groped for the light switch, stretching my arm to its full extent. I didn't like the thought of stepping into a black hallway all alone, usually there are guards accompanying me, plus the lights are on.

I felt my hand graze a little square piece of plastic. I flipped the switch and watched, mesmerized, as harsh lights cut through the darkness. Just as I had predicted, they're empty. Without thinking, I ran. No one stopped me, I continued running until I had reached the doors.

"Hey!" I forgot about the front desk. I whipped my head to the source of the voice. A burly man stood behind the desk, he had a pen gripped in his hand, probably signing admittance papers. He reached under the desk, trying to secretly summon his friends, I'm not stupid, I know what he's doing. I poured on the speed, desperate to escape Hell. Sirens rang throughout the institution, echoing in my ears and rattling my brain. I slammed into the doors and pushed as hard as my arms would allow. The door swung open and crashed against the brick wall on the opposite side.

I rounded the corner of the block. My lungs screamed for air, my muscles rejected my brain's commands to move faster, I ran as far and as fast as they would allow. Finally, I approached a dark and seemigly abandoned alley. A dumpstet sat across from me, I could make out a wooden bat protruding from the lid. I crept over to the grimy dumpster and yanked at the bat, it slid out from underneathe the lid and came to rest in the palm of my hand. I slowly tip-toed down the alley way, adrenaline surged through my veins from the nights' events. A cat hissed, I yelped and accidently let go of the bat, it clattered to the ground, quickly, I scrambled to retrieve it. I could hear a soft rustle emit from the opposite side of the alley. I froze, straining my ears for the sound. After a moment if silence, I continued to persue my weapon. Inching my hand across the damp cement, another rustle erupted from the dark corner, it almost sounded like the crunching your new winter coat always made whenever you so much as moved your arms. I grappled for the bat and stumbled to my feet.

They're coming for you. Once they find you, they will kill you. You can't get away, we will always find you. You can never escape.

"Who's there?" I demanded. I heard a muffled, 'Shhh' from the source of the rustling. "Come out where I can see you, or I'll beat you to a bloody pulp," I raised the bat above my head.

"Heywhayadoinhere?" A man that looked to be in his late thirties staggered out of the shadows. He wobbled on his feet a bit until he finally slapped his hand on the brick wall to steady himself. A cloud of alcohol lingered and mixed with the stench of stale body odor that clearly said that he hadn't bathed in at least a month. His clothes threatened to crumble at the slightest touch, there were patches strewn across the thin fabric in a feeble attempt to hold the battered threads together. "Ahsaid, wha are you doin here?" He started toward me, swaying with each step.

"Hey, get away, or I'll swing," I protectively set the bat between us. I didn't want to kill again. I killed the psychiatrist because I wanted to get away from that infernal prison. Killing another human being was not part of my plan.

The man let out a small chuckle, "I don't think you have the guts," his face suddenly hardened. He stregnth seemed to increase with each step, I soon realized how much weight he had on me. He no longer staggered as he continued to persue me. A devilish grin cracked his amused face, "Come here little girly," his whispers sent shivers racing up my spine.

"Get away, this is your last chance."

"Oh, is that so?" He lunged at me and managed to catch hold of my hair. I screamed as he yanked me to the crumbling cement, sending the air in my lungs whooshing from my body. "Oh, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" He cooed.

"Yes, it did," I managed to croak. I happened to keep hold of the bat throughout the ordeal and quickly brought it up, cracking it against his nose. Blood immediately streamed down his face, he untangled his fingers from my hair to tend to it. I took advantage of the oppertunity and jumped up. " I warned you," I yelled as I brought the bat down on his back as hard as I could, it connected with a hollow thud and sent him crashing to the ground. He groaned and rolled over. I lifted the bat behind my head and swung back down. He thrashed on the cement, I hit him again, but with more force this time. His movements faltered and eventually ceased altogether. I brought the bat down one last time, a loud crack erupted from where I had hit him. A pool of blood collected around his skull. He lay motionless on the ground as I stared at the mess I had created. I looked down at my own body, the baby blue scrubs I was wearing were splattered and stained with blood. I looked at his, they were bloody and ragged, although, they were dark and you would be less likely to be noticed in them. I knelt down to his lifeless body and slipped off his coat. It was long and baggy, but dark and seemed to blend in easily with its' surroundings. Grime covered every inch, preventing me from discovering its' true color. This would do. I started off, back down the alley, deeper into the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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