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     "I am going to fucking kill that hairball afro shit." Alexander kept mumbling while he and his group gathered all the supplies they needed from the store.

     His head still ache from hitting the glass door, since his enemy made him hit it. Alex was the type to hold grudgesㅡagainst Jefferson, at the most.

     John heard him curse, more than once, so he snuggled his self next to Alex and reached out for his hand. Alexander felt his lover's hand on top of his, and he finally calmed down.

     Once they all got their weapons, and some extra stuff, they proceeded to follow their route.

     John did his best to keep Alex distracted when Jefferson would try to annoy him, which was.. halfsies; a success and not.

     "King George, I warn you; Do not do anything reckless on your own, or else I will have to punish you." G. Washington's tone was colder than usual, but this made the other one snicker.

     Peggy laughed loudly, "kINKY!" she announced, and Angelica covered her younger sister's mouth. "Oh dear me." Eliza sighed.

     Lafayette tilted his head towards John, "Que veut-elle dire, John?" ( "What does she mean, John?" )

     The turtle boy laughed nervously, he didn't know how to explain it to his innocent French fellow.

     Hercules noticed this, so he butted in, giving Lafayette a pat on his head. "Peggy signifie que Washington est trop sérieux." ( "Peggy means that Washington is too serious." ) John nodded in agreement, giving Herc a thankful look untilㅡ

     "Elle signifie qu'ils sont gay et corㅡhMMP!" ( "She means they are gay and horㅡhMMP!" ) Hamilton literally kicked Jefferson's butt before he could continue, and the other one practically chased him to choke his soul out of him.

     Once again, James Madison and John Laurens sighed as their boyfriends got to each other's throats.

     "BOYS!" Washington shouted.

     "Yes, Sir!" All the boys shouted exceptㅡ

     "Yes, Dad? I mean Sir!" Alex blushed in embarrassment. His boyfriend chuckled, he had always told Laurens how he looks up at Washington as his dad since he became his professor.

     "We're here." Angelica announced. They all look towards the Government's office which was a distance away. Eliza held his sister's hand tightly as she got scared by the number of zombies lurking around.

     King George giggled; "I'll handle the office, you go off and kill the little pests outside." They all nod, hoping his plan would work this time.

     John Laurens kissed his boyfriend's hand before he ran off. His sword slashed through the crowdㅡthe zombies, while his other hand reached for his gun and shot all that surrounded him.

     Herc, Alex, and Laf watched him in awe, he was the only one in the group who could wield both a sword and a gun at the same time.

     Herc shouted a "FOR THE REVOLUTION!" before he ran as well, his machine gun in hand and ready to kill the zombies.

     Alex and Laf smiled at each other, they yelled the same sentence as they got their hand guns out. They both had a pair of guns, shooting every zombie even those near their two friends; They were experts, if they do say so themselves.

     The Schuyler sisters did the usual. Aaron Burr and G. Washington, along with Jefferson and Madison, escorted King George near the building, safely.

     Once King George said that he'd be fine there, the four of them helped their friends and jumped to the battlefield.

     "Oh my gosh, this will be fun." King George giggled.


     "Now landing. Searching for the group. Sir, how long shall we wait?"

     "Give them seven minutes. Any more than that, and you're free to fly back. Proceed with caution."

     "Roger that, Sir."

     The co-pilot sighed. "Are they sure about this? For all we know, we might get killed here by those pesky pests."

     The pilot rolled his eyes, "Well, we don't have a choice, Samuel."

     "Whatever, lovely Charlesㅡholy shit!"

     Both of them were shocked when they heard multiple booms. There were bombs, and they didn't know where they came from.


     King George was laughing hysterically, pushing one of the buttons. He successfully planted multiple remote-controlled bombs around the building; Outside, inside, near the doors, tied up near a window.

     The group immediately ran to take cover. "wHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Washington, so done with King George, shouts. King George only gave him a wink as he took cover with them.

     "Die." He whispered as he pushed all of the buttons.

     "Nevermind when I said I will kill you, King George. Go live." Madison laughed nervously.

     A few minutes after, the building was burnt. It crumbled into flames as all the zombies started to burn with it.

     They decided to take this chance to run around the building and straight to their designated spot.

     There, the helicopter was waiting for them. The Schuyler sisters cheered in delight as Jefferson has a wide grin.

     Samuel Seabury and Charles Lee helped them get on. Thankfully, the helicopter was big enough to carry all of them.

     Once it was Alexander's turn to step inside the helicopter, he froze as he saw the pilot and the co-pilot's face. His shock face soon turned into a smirk. "Why, thank you, gentlemen." He said in a mocking tone.

     John, once again, noticed this. He tilted his head, clearly puzzled as to why Alex would tease them like that.

     He shrugged it off, he probably met them in a debate in the past. Or.. they could've been Alex's old friends.

     Whatever, he thought.

     Soon enough, they took off successfully. John Laurens smiled with confidence as he spoke;

     "South Carolina, here we come."

my beloved undead • lams ( laurens x hamilton )Where stories live. Discover now