Dance to the rhythm your heart makes

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Mayte POV

I  sometimes  wonder  what its like to be a celebrity. I sometimes dream about being in a celebrity's arms him holding me and never letting go but its sometimes dawns on me,  maybe it would be too much I mean,  I am only 17 so not like we would get married in a hurry but just to take it slow have a nice long relationship as  lovers or maybe even just friends. 

"Mayte!" My mother calls me to get ready for my gig at  Frauentag (German for Women's Day) Me and Momma love performing there and I have been performing there since I was 5 and I love it. 

Momma always performed her song then it was me for me I wore my traditional bellydancing costume and I balance a sword on my head while dancing and playing the zills and flipping coins on my belly. I have been doing that act since I was 5 and it is a real crowd pleaser they love it. For my encore I normally do a veil dance or a self-choreographed routine that I put together.

After performing we always celebrate by getting ice cream and milkshakes but that me and poppa's thing. 

One day Momma gives me and my sister Jan a choice to either go see Michael Jackson or Wham! we chose Michael Jackson because I mean why the hell not?  So we go to see MJ and we got trampled so bad and it was so bad because people were passing out everywhere and I just hated it however the music was great. After the concert Momma ask if we enjoyed it and we said yeah but we hated the people passing out and that stuff. Momma just sighed well we will see someone else in a few months.

 So a few months pass and Momma asks us if we want to go see Elton John or Prince, Momma looked at the name of Prince's tour and it was called the nude tour and by time she had the words out of her mouth we were going to see Prince. I did not want to experience the MJ crisis again nor did Jan. So we got there and she said " This is so cool" we walk in and we already see Tony and Rosie jammin out. We sat and then the lights went out then the crowd went wild then Prince comes out and they start playing Kiss then a new song. Jan hits me on my arm and is like "Mayte! this is your music." "I know that Jan" Momma chimes in and says "you need to make a tape of you dancing then send it to him." and I'm like "Nope happening at ALL! end of conversation now leave me alone I'm watching Prince".  

Before the next song his bodyguard comes over to me and asks me if I can go onstage with Prince and in my head i was like nope but Momma said yes and glared at me and I went with his bodyguard. I get up there well actually I was pulled up there by Prince himself and we danced for 2 songs and then he whispered in my ear "Could you come backstage after the show, I'd like to meet you." of course I said yes. 

After the show I go backstage and his bodyguard Lawrence escorted me to his dressing room and he was sitting there playing with one of Rosie's earrings or maybe it was his but Lawrence said "Prince, She is here to see you."  

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