Chapter.5 The Witch

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*Shane POV*

I was lying in bed with my wife holding her closer as I felt a cold breeze enter through the window. "Dearest, it's time to wake up." I heard her say, "hm, just a little bit longer my love." She laughed,"it must be done so says you're high elf wife." I kissed her,"you mean my librarian elf wife." We got up and put our clothes on, well my wife did I was looking for my shirt,"my my, you have quite the scar collection my dear." She said handing me my shirt.

I shook my head,"all of these to remember what I have to protect

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I shook my head,"all of these to remember what I have to protect." I put on my shirt and she hugged me,"I'm glad you do my dear." I walked downstairs and found my little daughter eating her breakfast,"good morning Mama, good morning Papa." I smiled and kissed her at the top of her head. I ate breakfast with both of them enjoying their company when I heard a knock at the door,"I wonder who it is." I walked over and found Ace, Lance,and Eve standing at the door,"Shane!" They all said coming inside,"aunty Eve! uncle Ace! uncle Lance!" My daughter said running up to Lance (who hates children in all reality.) She hugged his legs,"it's good to see you all again" my wife said walking over to all of us,"has it been a week already?" They all nodded,"well, I guess it's time for me to lead these misfits to finish our mission." I left and put my armor back on,"be careful my dear, come back to us in one piece please." I kissed her forehead and put mine on hers,"I will, I promise." I walked out of my house and through the gate at the entrance to my town. "Let's go, our first boss is in the burning desert." They nodded and we made our way east towards the desert. Along the way we passed a temple with a white dragon design on it,"hey Shane why do they have a dragon on that temple?" Eve asked pointing to it,"oh yeah, that's the guardian dragon Zorgenth, Protector Of Life. Apparently a long long time ago he walked the earth proctoring every life form when and evil dragon Naimmurth, The Dark One who wished to rule everything with an iron fist, or claw whatever, so he began to kill everything that was to him,"unworthy" Zorgenth saw this and fought him, the legend says that it was the loudest, the longest, the most beautiful, and the most intense fight the universe has ever seen. The way it ended says that Zorgenth threw Naimmurth into a volcano and sealed it. And now it's that snow covered mountain over there." I said as I pointed to a large mountain that had snow upon it,"whoa." Ace said still staring at it,"yeah funny thing is I heard that that's where the final boss is." Lance came up to me,"you're kidding right? Right?" I laughed and kept walking. We've been walking for about a few hours and we began to feel a lot hotter and sand began to surround our feet,"are we there yet...?" Eve said wiping her forehead of sweat "Nope." We walked further and further into the desert, after a while I brought out the map,'hm...ok so we're here,we could camp here for tonight, we need to go left then further down south and we'll reach the temple by early morning.'  I thought to myself as looked at all the places on the map. "Ok guys let's set up camp and we continue on. They all sighed in relief. We sat around the campfire and ate some bread and meat. (No not a sandwich, literally just a piece of bread and meat.) We drank some wine and water and began to tell stories,"So my Uncle Larry is just sitting there like,"wait...I didn't have to give this girl money?" And my dad said to him,"yes Larry not every woman who sleeps with you is a hooker,which is why you'd never marry." " We laughed and I broke out a lute,"Johny? I thought you were an assassin not a bard." I smiled,"true but I bought this and learned to play it through the adventure whenever we camped somewhere." "I actually found out that if you play it long enough you can play the song "wolven storm" from the Witcher 3." Eve's eyes widened,"really? Lyrics to?" "Of course, and you know them." She smiled,"ready?" She nodded and breathed in deeply.

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