Forever And Ever(One Direction)

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October, raining and gloomy, leaves all outside, thunder collapsing to the ground as I stood in the funeral home of my father. I stared down at him, I put my hand on his chest and bent down and kisses his head. I walked away as more family came in, I was wipping tears from my eyes right when Johanna ran into the funeral. Johanna is my best friend, she's always there for me when no one else could be, she hugged me as tightly as she could.

"Violet..... Violet I am so sorry for your loss.... I know you loved your dad so much!" Johanna says squeezing me as tight as she could.

"I-it's okay... I just wish he was here...." I said and buried my face into her neck.

"Oh, sweetie... I know.... but he is in a better place now!" Johanna says running her fingers down my hair, "I am so sorry, Violet... I really am...."

"N-no... Johanna.... I mean Harry.... He hasn't been answering me....He always answers, Johanna!" I say and look up at her with tears streaming down my pale face.

"Oh.... Oh! Sweetie he's probably just busy it is okay! He will call you soon I know he will! He loves you!" Johanna says rubbing my back, "And if he doesn't today then he will tomorrow! But, I think we should go sit down with the others... come on, Violet..." She says and pulls away from the long hug and we both sit down, my mom was next to me, and Johanna was on the other side of me, I grabbed both of their hands trying to stop crying as the Pastor goes up and starts speaking into a microphone. I stare at him as he speaks. He finishes and family members and friends go up there and say things about him. I wanted to cry so badly but I wanted to hold it in, Johanna let me squeeze her hand. After what felt like a hour the pastor left and everyone stood up and started talking and looking at pictures again. Johanna and I went down the hall and into the bathroom and talked.

"I am surprised he hasn't called you...." Johanna says.

"You and I both...." I mumble and stare at the ground rubbing my eyes just when my phone goes off. I pull it out of my purse and stare at it, It was Louis? I stared at it and finally answered it.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Violet! I am so sorry I hadn't called you sooner about what happened! I seen Harrys phone and how many times you called him I am so sorry! But you need to get to the hospital on King's Road!!" Louis says panicing. 

"Wh-why? What happened?!" I ask worriedly. 

"Harry... Harry got into a accident!" Louis says, "Just hurry!" He says as the phone goes dead. 

I drop my phone into my purse grabbing Johannas wrist and run out of the restroom down the hall and outside, not saying goodbye to anyone. Johanna looks at me with worried eyes, but I could tell she was surprised!

"VIOLET! What's going on?!" She says gasping trying to keep up with me as we run towards her car.


"I thought he was on tour!!" She says as we reach the car and we both get in. She puts her keys in and looks at me quickly. "Violet.... Calm down you are about to have a heart attack! Now tell me... What happened!?" 

"Johanna! I thought Harry was on tour too! But they must have been coming home and he got in a accident and JUST DRIVE TO KING'S ROAD!!! WE NEED TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL!"

"Okay okay just calm down! It will be fine I promise!! I mean... I hope..." She says and drives off fastly.

I sit not perfectly still, I am all over the seat wanting to get there but it's a thirty minute drive. I did not want to wait any longer, I look over at Johanna. "Hurry, Johanna, hurry!!" 

"I am trying to get there as fast as I can!" She says as time seems to fly by fast and we get there, "Okay were here!" 

"Good!" I yell and jump out of the car leaving Johanna, I felt bad leaving her behind but I had no choice! I was panicing and was scared! I run into the hospital running up to the desk and speak before they could, "Styles. Mr. Styles." They nod and take me down what seems millions of halls. They start talking to me but their voices become a blurr when I start to think of him dying. I tried not to cry but my make up was already ruined and so was my hair and everything else. They lead me into the room where, Harry was on the bed, Louis was in a chair next to him and Liam was on the other side, Niall and Zayn were at the end of the bed. I run up to the bed looking down at him and put a hand over my mouth when Liam stands up. 

"Violet... We will let you be with him alone, okay?" He says with a slight tiny smile as I nod.

"U-uhm.... I-I left Johanna in the parking lot, can you go the lobby and find her?" I say and look back at Harry and bite my lip trying not to cry. Liam nods and has a slight smile, he looks at the boys as they all leave the room and the door shuts. 

"H-Harry...." I mumble and sit in the chair and grab onto his hand and stare at him as his eyes are slightly open but slightly closed. A nurse walks in and walks up to the other side of Harry and props up his pillow and fixes just a few things and then walks out. I stare down at him "Harry.... Don't give up on me, Harry.... I know you got in a accident but you need to keep strong do you understand? You are the love of my life and you need to keep strong...." he does not respond to me, he makes a small noise that was all. He is trying to keep his eyes open. He seemed quite tired, I don't take my eyes off him, "Harry... I know you are tired....but.... I want you to know that no matter what happens I love you, I love you more than anything.... If you are to die, remember my love for you will go on... but you won't die, I won't think negitive about you, Harry... You can do this.... I don't know how bad the accident was but it seems it could have killed you... you're my prince charming, Harry....My world my everything and no matter what we go threw we can stick together cause we love each other more than life itself.... I wish you could talk to me at the moment but you're to weak to.... Harry, I love you to the moon and back to infinity and beyond.....and that will last, forever.....and.......ever....."

                                                              ~Authors note~

Hey! I hope you like the first chapter! I worked really hard on it, so I really hope you like it! Thanks for reading and please keep reading! I hope you really liked it! And I am really sorry for the mistakes I was really excited to write it! But please don't mind those! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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