Enslaved to Love

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My flimsy, hand-me-down jacket was soaked through, water seeped through the holes in my worn out boots. The fringe of my dull brown hair stuck to my forehead, annoyingly.  I winced as I accidentally stepped into a cold puddle. Quickening my pace, I hopped onto the sidewalk and turned left into an area I was more familiar with. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards slightly as I thought about a warm fire and a full stomach. I neared a door, small and insignificant at the side of a dull, bland, gray building but to my heart it meant home. I knocked on the door with my knuckles, three short taps followed by two longer ones. From behind the door the sound of a chair scraping along a tiled floor was heard. A bolt slid back. Scanning the area for strangers, I hurriedly pushed the door and slid inside.

“Wox.” Bo, my five year old brother shouted. He ran up to me and hugged my leg tightly. I bent down and picked him up, ruffling his cute blonde locks. He grinned toothily at me, showing his dimples.

“Shh, not so loud.” I whispered. “Someone will hear you.” I put a finger to his lips emphasizing my point.

“Wox.” he said again but this time he whispered it. I nodded my head approvingly.

“Roxanne, you’re back.” Finn, my other brother, grinned at me. He was about the age of nine. My father found him at the age of two, sitting beside the curb, crying. He lifted little Finn onto his shoulders and carried him home. My mother was beyond shocked when her husband came home with a child giggling in his arms. At first, she wanted to send him to the orphanage. I can't blame her; it was already a handful with three mouths to feed. But he grew on her and Finn was formally accepted into the family. Remembering the past brought on a wave of pain and sadness. I shook myself out of it and forced myself to put Bo down. Planting a small kiss on his head, I hung up my coat and put my bag onto the table. “Any food?” Finn asked hopefully. I lifted out a lump of stale bread about the size of my fist. Finn and Bo groaned simultaneously. This has been the fifth day with barely any food in their stomachs. I sighed deeply.

“Sorry.” It's not easy watching your brothers starved. Since both my parents got taken away, life didn't get any easier. I had to be the one to bring food to the table; a huge responsibility and a lot of hard work. I smiled slightly as I reached back into my bag and pulled out an egg. In my whole life, I've only ate four eggs before, they're hard to come across especially since there aren't many chickens running around in our pen. We have to work in industries to earn food but it's never enough. I normally sneak out into the richer pens that get to live with meat once every month and steal some grub. If I didn't we would have starved to death by now.

“What's that?” Little Bo asked, intrigued by the object that he never seen before. I smiled at his innocence and gave it to Finn to crack into the cabbage water. I tore the lump of bread in half whilst Bo set out the wooden cutlery and bowls that father carved from a stolen block of wood. We're not a family of thieves but sometimes when you're desperate, you just have too. I gave a piece of bread to Bo and left one on the table for Finn.

“What 'bout you? You're not going to have any?” Finn questioned, spooning out the water into equal amounts in each bowl.

“Oh, I ate earlier.” I lied, willing my stomach not to grumble. Finn stared at me, narrowing his eyes slightly, he sighed after a while and tore of half of his and gave it to me. I gave him a small smile and dug in.

After our unsatisfying meal we crawled into the only bed available, hoping tomorrow will be a better day and Mom and Dad will come home. I know they'll never come back but I can't help wishing. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.

That's when the nightmare came.

The memory of that day was still vivid, I remember every single detail. It was all my fault. Bo was three and Finn was seven, they were both sleeping peacefully in the exact same bed that I'm laying on now. I complained and shouted at my parents. I yelled at them because I was selfish, hungry and a stupid brat. Bo and Finn understood why we had to live like this; only I didn't. It was all my fault.

A weak light flickered from the fire. My Mom was sitting at the table, a hand running through her once beautiful glossy hair. My Dad was pacing back and forth; angry and frustrated.

“Sweetie, please. Go to sleep.” Mom begged, she glanced at me wearily and sighed. I was curled up in a fetal position, sobbing at the cruelty of life.

“No, I don't want to go to sleep. Why do we have to starve? How come the vampires, werewolves and demons get to live better lives and treat us like dirt? They're freaks and I hate them.” I cried and hugged my knees closer to my chest.

“Shh. We don't want to be taken. They'll hear you.” Mom got up from the stool and sat on the floor next to me; she put both her arms around me and started rocking me back and forth.

“Why did they take my only friend away from me? Kyle didn't do anything wrong did he?” I asked, my voice muffled from her shirt. 

“No Sweetie.” She answered. Dad finally stopped pacing and looked at me with pain written in his eyes.

“I'm going to go and get some food.” He muttered before walking out into the night.

“Sweetheart, you stay right here, okay? It's dark and dangerous outside. I'm going to go and bring your Father back in.” Mom whispered, fading out of the door after Dad. I tried to yell, to scream for them to come back. I tried to clutch her hand and ask her not to leave me but being a dream they have a tendency not to listen to you. My attempts were to no avail. Dark turned into light and night turned into dawn but still no sign of my parents. Finn and Bo woke up and waited with me. When evening came, we knew. Our parents have been taken.


Wattpad is being very stupid; had to write everything all over again! *sigh*

The Romance bit will come in later! Hope you enjoy!

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CookieWisher xx

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