Chapter Twelve

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She drove in silence the whole way home. I sat staring straight ahead. Not even the radio was playing. We were in complete silence. Finally she pulled into a driveway I assumed was hers. There were no other cars in the driveway.Weird, both her parents must work I wondered. She unlocked the front door to her house and let me in. We walked in and I took off my shoes and set them near the door.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Loren shouted from the kitchen.

"May I have a glass of water please?" I asked and heard the ice maker dropping cubes into a glass cup. I walked into the burgundy colored kitchen and took a seat on a wooden barstool. She slid the glass of water to me and I nodded a thanks.

"So why are we here at my house again?" Loren asked me 

"We need to talk." I replied, plain and simple. 

Loren was silent for a bit and began picking spilt ends from her brown curls."About what?" 

"Lo I know you cut. At Magcon that first time I saw you I noticed the fading scars on your arms. I was sad because a girl as gorgeous as you should not do that to yourself, but then I was happy because it looked like you stopped. Today when I pulled down your sweater sleeve on accident I saw your row of band cut again didn't you?" I said reaching across the tabletop grabbing her hands.

 I pushed Loren's sweater up her arm exposing the row of brown band aids. I peeled one of watching her wince at the pain. Sure enough there was a deep red cut. 

I sighed out loud and stared into her eyes. They began to get wet with tears. I was thinking about what would make her do this. 

Fuck. It wasn't Dayna and I was it?

"Loren, did I cause the reason for you cutting yourself today?" I nervously stuttered. She just looked down at her folded hands.

"It was huh?" I sighed, watching her nod.

"I don't know what came across me... after I saw one of my main bullies attack you like that, it made me realize how stupid I must look compared to a guy like you." Loren said still not making eye contact.

"I have a feeling there's a backstory here...can you tell me what you've done to harm yourself and why?"

Loren stared at the ceiling. 

"Well. Get comfortable, you're gonna be here a while." She said and I just listened, slightly terrified at what I might here. It can't be that bad right?

"When I was in eighth grade I started being bullied. Why? I don't know. They would all push me, shove me, kick me, call me stupid when I got an answer wrong in class. People would throw their trash on me when I would sit down at lunch. The only friend I had was Julianna who moved from Oklahoma and was extremely shy. Suddenly puberty hit her like a goddamn truck and she became a gorgeous girl. She became a cheerleader on our school football team two years ago and we aren't as close as we used to be. Anyways when I was fourteen my brother overdosed and killed himself. He was my idol, I cried for about a week straight after his death. I never knew he was so depressed. Nobody knew. But when his longtime girlfriend cancelled their engagement because she cheated on him with his best friend, Greg just didn't know what to do with his life. So I came home from school and found him. Dead, laying on the floor of our bathroom. He had my pollen allergy pills spewed all over the floor and some were mixed in his beer bottles." Loren stopped talking for a second, catching her breath. 

She looked up at the ceiling again as a tear fell down her cheek. I kissed her hand and she continued talking.

"At school I was still being bullied. Someone actually shoved me into a locker so hard my head split and I needed stitches." Loren pointed to her hairline and I noticed a white line on her head.

"Anyways my parents were at the Texas College massacre. They were both shot, Mom in the chest and Dad in the spine. Both killed on the spot. After that I've been on my own. All of my other family is dead, except for a relative in Asia who only knows about my parents death. I had them cremated and I threw them in the creek behind the woods. I went to the insurance company and told them a grandmother was going to watch me. I forged a few things and now I'm fine. After they were killed I kinda went into a hole. I remember one day a bunch of varsity football players threw me into the janitor closet and beat me up. And the called me every word in the book. Ugly. Bitch. Fuck up. Slut. Whore. Goddamn mistake. Unloved. Go die. I had a broken arm and two black eyes. Even more bruises. And that day, I just sat in front of the mirror and picked out every single flaw and issue I hate about myself. I unscrewed the blade out of my hand pencil sharpener and cut for the first time. I've cut ever since. But I stopped after I saw you on vine for the first time. I'm anorexic. Have been for two years. Ever since the beating I just stopped eating. I'll maybe eat once a week. I know everyone says you've saved their life but I truly mean it. I...I tried killing myself. I hung myself from my ceiling but my rope fell off the ceiling. The next day I watched you on Vine. Needless to say, you're my hero. I've had a fucked up life. And you gave me a purpose for living." She finally finished the tears flowing out hard. 

For the first time since the whole thing she looked me in the eyes. A tear fell down my face too. I walked over to the opposite side of the table and held Loren, petting her hair. She was getting the front of my shirt all wet but you know what she's worth it. I felt so bad. She's really been through a lot.

"C'mon beautiful. I'm gonna buy you a cupcake okay babydoll?" I said kissing her forehead. 

She laughed and nodded. She told me directions to this bakery in the town center. I drove her to the bakery and bought her 6 cupcakes: two Vanilla, two Chocolate, one strawberry and once coconut caramel. I took a vanilla one for myself and ate it. MMM, this was a damn good cupcake. Loren took the strawberry one and bit into it smiling. She looked at me and laughed. She pointed to my nose and i looked back confused. She leaned over, kissed my nose and licked off the vanilla frosting from my nose. She smirked and I laughed.  She was so cute ugh. 

I told her I was just gonna walk back to Starbucks and get my car. I kissed her cheek and gave her a hug.

"Hey Loren, what do you think about being my girlfriend?" 


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