Chapter 5: 2nd Encounter

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Although you did your absolute (no pun intended) best to enjoy the show the four battlers were putting on, you were distracted by your nervousness, constantly ducking your head when you though Gladion was looking over - even if he really wasn't. You fiddled with the red gem around your neck, drawing the attention of your Dark-Type partner.

Finally, the battle was over, and you couldn't escape the exiting crowd soon enough. As you reached the outside, you tried to calm your breathing again, opting to sit on one of the benches behind the fountain - and hoping that the mass of water would keep you hidden.

You run your fingers through your hair tiredly, closing your eyes and trying to relax. "Who would've thought this would happen...?" You straighten suddenly, growing angry. "That stupid numbskull! Who does he think he is, disrupting people's days?!"

"Absol." The Disaster Pokemon eyes you carefully, seemingly displeased by your outburst.

You sigh, leaning back and trying to calm down again. "Sorry, Guardian, I know what happened was by chance..." you admit guiltily to your partner. "I just can't help it - he makes me so frustrated! I got in trouble because he thinks he can just do whatever he wants! Me, a Trial Captain, getting beat by some Team Skull lowlife..."

"Absol?" he tilts his head.

"Oh, right - I'm one of them, aren't I...? None of the other grunts have ever been able to best me in a battle though - that numbskull is just another grunt with a fancy name. He's not like Plumeria or Guzma - it just doesn't make much sense..." Finally, you sigh tiredly in defeat. "I guess there's no point in trying to figure it out. It is what it is, and I can't turn back time."

"Sol?" Guardian directs his gaze to beyond the fountain.

"Hm? What's up?" you question him, trying to see beyond the pillar of water.

Suddenly, the Absol jumps to his paws and rushes off, forcing you to stand up and give chase.

"Guardian, wait!" you call, trying to catch up the faster Dark-Type. "Slow down! What's gotten into you ?!" Finally, you caught up to the runaway, who was now sitting patiently, giving you a chance to stop and catch your breath.

"You alright...?" a familiar voice asks hesitantly.

You straighten up instantly, forcing on a wide grin. "I'm fine, thanks!"

Gladion frowns, examining your smiling face for a moment, then glances at the Absol. "Did you say its name was Guardian...?"

You nod. "Yup! That's Guardian, my partner Pokemon - he's been with me since I was a kid."

"Guardian is wearing a necklace."

"His wings," you confirm. "I gave that to him when I first traveled around Alola a few years ago."

"Why?" the boy asks, his eyes completely focused on the odd detail.

"Why does anyone do anything?" you counter, feeling your patience already thinning.

The blonde boy pauses, then changes tactics. "You look familiar... have we met before?"

You shrug dismissively. "Maybe - since I'm a Trial Captain, I've met a lot of people."

"You're [Name] though, aren't you? Don't you stay in hidden cave usually on Melemele Island?" he continues suspiciously.

"Are you suggesting that Trial Captains never leave their posts?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.

Again, the Enforcer pauses. "Guardian... I know I've heard that before..."

Instantly, you feel as if you're Frozen, remembering that you had brought out Guardian in the battle earlier today. "Really? Are you an old challenger?"

Gladion shakes his head. "No, I heard it today. Now that I think about it, I believe it was a member of Team Skull - she was an Absol too." He then eyes you carefully. "Anything you want to tell me, [Name]?

You blink and tilt your head slightly, trying to act confused. "You mean, me? I'm a Trial Captain, remember? What would I be doing in Team Skull?"

"I'd like to know the same thing," he says coldly, not buying it for a second.

You shrug, frowning. "Sorry, but I haven't got a clue, since I'm not in Team Skull. Maybe you fought an old challenger who liked Guardian? Or maybe we just happen to have the same type of Pokemon with the same name."

"I don't think so," he states flatly. "That Guardian was also wearing a necklace."

You sigh. "Look, I don't have the answers to everything, alright? I guess it's just one of those insane coincidences, but other then that, I know about as much as you do."

"You really think I'm that stupid, huh...?" It was more of a statement than a question as he sighed and shook his head. "Look, just cut it out, alright? I know you're the same girl from earlier, so stop acting like you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, and answer my questions.

You shrug lazily and start to walk away. "Whatever helps you sleep at night. Come on, Guardian, let's go - we've got a busy day tomorrow."

"Sol." You turn to find your traitorous partner stubbornly sitting in the same position as earlier.

"Guardian?" you call uncertainly, confused by his sudden strange behavior. Being the Disaster Pokemon, you know he's capable of sensing things, even the slightest change in the earth and atmosphere. However, for as long as you had known him, he had never been stubborn about moving.

"I think your Pokemon wants you to tell the truth," Gladion says casually, smirking.

Ignoring him, you walk up to the Dark-Type and gently crouch to his level. "What's wrong?"

For a moment, his red eyes meet your [color] ones, then move to look at Gladion. At this, you give an inward sigh of exasperation - Guardian actually does want you to tell truth.

You sigh again, then stand up, fold your arms, and turn to glare at Gladion. "Alright, fine, I admit it: I was the one you fought earlier today."

Numbskull! (Gladion x Reader) MOVEDWhere stories live. Discover now