")(-EY angelfis)(!" Fefero called to his matesprit. Aradian turned around, smiling at the tyrian blood. "Hey l0ve." Fefero bounced up and down from excitement. "Guess w)(at?" He practically squealed to the boy. The Aries tilted his head to the side. "What?" Fefero shook with happiness, freckled cheeks flushed a royal fuschia. When Aradian uttered the word, it was like a bomb of excited giggles erupted, and skinny arms wrapped around him. "TOMORAY'S YOUR WRIGGLING DAY!" Aradian chuckled. "It sure is. Why s0 excited, th0ugh?" Fefero stared at his matesprit, out of breath and dumbfounded. His fins flared out, and he jumped. "Didn't you )(-EAR w)(at I SAID?!? IT'S YOUR WRIGGLING DAY TOMORAY! T)(at is way too im-port-tant to naut get -EXCIT-ED about!" Aradian smiled. "If y0u say s0." He turned back to the strangely horn-colored fossil he'd found. "But, Ara," Fefero said, "it's your wriggling day. Oaren't you excited?" Aradian looked up, and sighed. "Well, yeah, but...n0t as much as I used t0 be." Fefero looked at his lover's face, confusion shining in his grey-pink eyes. "W)(ale, w)(y naut?" Aradian shrugged. "Damara never did anything. He just kind 0f didn't dirty-talk me th0se days, which I was really grateful f0r." Fefero nodded. "So, you've never )(addock a wriggling day party?" The rust blood shook his head. "N0pe. N0t even 0nce." Fefero suddenly calmed. He had a plan in his mind. "Okay." He gave his matesprit a peck on the cheek, being careful to dodge his massive ram horns. "Glub you, Ara!" He smiled, looking back at the seadweller. "Glub y0u t00, Feffy."
Time of my Life (AraFef)
Fanfictionpicture ain't mine written on mobile hlep moi here is was bored in car solfef bad arafef good details inside