k.t.h - promise (part 2)

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Jiyoo takes a short moment to look at Taehyung, completely passed out on the couch. She then cocks her head to one side and lifts an eyebrow. "He's pretty cute actually."

"Hmm?" You try to act innocent.

"Oh come on, you've gotta admit."

"Okay, fine. But I claim him."

"What?!" she asks with a massive grin her face.

"I met him first, so you know, if anything happens..."

"Y/N, do you like him?"

"Maybe. A little bit." You hold out my thumb and index finger about a centimetre away from each other when you say 'a little bit'.

"Y/N," she says seriously and you look down at the ground. "We promised each other not to fall for anyone these holidays remember? We need time to ourselves, to enjoy each other's company without anyone getting in the way or interfering."

"I know, I know. I'm not falling for him though. It's probably just a small crush. Nothing big." You smile, just to reassure her that you're telling the truth. But you don't even know what the truth is yourself.

"Okay good," she nods and heads off to the bedroom to unpack and probably have her nap. That leaves you the only one awake in the apartment.

"You like me, huh?" Wtf.

You slowly turn around to find Taehyung still fast asleep on the couch. At least he looks fast asleep.

"Dude I thought you were freaking asleep?!"

"Yeah that's what you thought." His eyes shoot open and his trademark smirk appears on his face.

You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"That's okay, you don't need to say anything. I get that a lot from girls."

"Y-you d-do?" you stutter.

"Yeah of course! I mean with this amazing face and body, it's pretty easy to attract the ladies." He wiggles his eyebrows at you and you look away while your cheeks turn red.

"You know what?" He begins to pick at the fluff on the blanket looking somewhat... nervous? "I think I kind of like you too." Now it was his turn to blush. There is a very very long silence, you swear you can hear crickets in the background.

"Okayyy, but we only just met, we can't do anything," you nervously laugh.

"No of course not. I know that. And besides, that promise you made with your friend, that seems pretty important. Take my advice and keep that promise."

"Y-yeah sure thing." You leave the room, your cheeks feeling hot and your hands slightly shaking.


It's been a few weeks since Jiyoo arrived in London, and Taehyung is still residing in your Airbnb apartment. He's been pretty stressed and has frequently apologised for any inconvenience, but you have always told him not to worry and that it's an absolute pleasure to have him. He really isn't causing any fuss anyway.

However, over these few weeks, you think you've kind of started to actually develop strong feelings for Taehyung. Every little move he makes, you can feel your heart hammer in your chest, and you feel a bit giddy. Every time you see him, whether it be coming home after a long day out, or just coincidentally walking past him on the street, you can't seem to wipe the smile off of your face.

Your favourite moments of him however, is when he has spent the whole day in the apartment doing absolutely nothing. Often he is still in his pyjamas, lying on the couch with messy bed hair, a book in his hands and his face stoned with concentration. But somehow, his expression still seems so soft, so friendly.

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