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its a poisen love take from me it is

The next day I was so tired macri ran up to me okay do you think that guy the new one is cute she said I turned my.head to face HIM jeff anderson I blushed yeah i said marci jumped up and claped time for some magic to happen she said dramcatticly i dont care how i spell it she walked over to him,i chouldnt hear what they were saying but when jane,walked up to me and said is that jeff she asked I nodded yes hes a freak she said thats,not nice slene said walkin up to us hey I know that jane said  we laughed marci walked back up to us jeff I think was his name marci said he isnt into dating thats ok jane said she.can go out with liu,i turned to her my eyes the size of dinner plates no I.i c.cant I said sturrtering oh yea you can dani said coming up to us I blushed no I cant I said shyll so afther all of that me and jeff had frist period when I saw,him he looked........ Off the smile he wore I knew,that smile how cause my brother wore the same smile as he did when he killed his,mother thats way before my mom married his dad I,looked away and went in to the class room when I saw a cop talking to mrs.dasgih shes from russia I just sat down so I dont get in toruble the.cop left and she.turned back,to the class settle down now kids she said angryll every one sat down my heart was pounding in my chest she sighed sadly randy toby and keith wont be here today because they were attacked by someone she said wearly everyone cheered I finally chould breath so afther frist period,i was putting my books in my locker I closed it and standing there was the school conusler mr.jackman come,with me he said I went with him we sat down am I in tourble?? I asked no not at all he said with a smile I just want to get to know you better well I hope its not about my mom I thought ok he said pulling out a brief case so you are orinaly form utah is that correct he said looking at me yes I said and your,dad died by sudice ? as soon as he said that I felt every heat cell migarte to my face I stood up thats eough about  my dad I said walking away I saw randy in the office what is he doing here I thought then I just kept walking I walked staight into the girls bathroom  and started crying why would he do that remind me of the pain of losing,my father from sucide I sat down on a bench in the girls bathroom and cryed some more then liu walked in I looked up this is,the girls bathroom I giggled

I know I saw,you come,in here and I heard you crying he sat by me saying that he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me im sorry that you were crying he whispered in my ear I felt hot tears boiling in my eyes then I started again,he hugged me,tighter then I stopped and pulled away I stared at him he stared back you have beutiful eyes he said then the lights went out and tunder rumbled outside and,rain was pouring down lighting flashed we laughed now you cant see my eyes I said blushing yup he said smiling then we just stared at each other my heart was pounding in my chest then he kissed me I blushed I closed my eyes I enjoyed it ..... Alot he let go and blushed heh sorry he said its ok I said blushing a bright red I yawned sorry just tired  a voice over the intercom came in excuse,me students you cant go home tonight roads are every wet and the river had flooded so stay where you are and,we will bring you  blankets then the intercom went off we giggled haha I said I guess we sleep in here yup liu said smiling then the princal,came in the,bathroom hello anyone in here he said with a few blankets a four pillows and a flashlights in his hands yeah over he walked ovet to the princal and he gave all,the,things,he had with him,to liu the he left I walked ive and grabbed the blankets liu put the pillows down and I put the blankets,down I ficked on one,of the flashlights and layed down under the blankets I took of my over shirt and put it next to me and rolled over liu was already asleep I curled up next to him and fell asleep I woke up around three Liu was holding me I smiled and kissed him then fell sleep again

the next day was reaallly. cold then Liu came up to me handing me my cell phone here he said then he turned away before he got to walk I stop him hey about yesterday I said he flung around and kisses me pinning me against the lockers I smile Liu I said blushing than he left it was the end of school I was walking home listing to three days grace break then I saw a cop outside Jeffs house what's going on I thought but I saw that the cops had came out with Liu and Jeff came out yelling Liu tell them I did you don't have to do this!  It dosent. matter now cause I'm the one who did it Liu said I'm in reply to Jeff's out Brust they turned him around and he saw me standing there with my face about to Brust into tears he frowned. then got in the back of the cop car I child tell Jeff was crying in the end I was crying to I ran in side my house dropped my stuff at the doorkeeper and ran up stairs and flung my self on my bed and started crying I looked down my phone was there and I grabbed it there was a bold message I'm so sorry scarlet. I've never meant to hurt u I love u

yours truely

Liu Anderson. that made me cry even more I started to scream in my head like what have you done Liu!!!!  I love you then I cried my self to. sleep..

two days went by since. the cop thing happen it was Saturday. and I barely finished my homework so I stood up  stretched. and rubbed my eyes I look out the window and I see Randy and his stooges jump the fence on their fucking stupid skateboards what are they doing I thought I  hear them exchange small talk you got my brother in jail and I beat your ass Jeff said I think were even I don't think so Randy said then he charged at Jeff tackled him to the ground and started to kck the crap out of him till Jeff grabbed his foot a twisted it Randy fell to his side and Jeff tried to walk to the house but Troy grabbed H's collar a luged him at the house you rat face I scream the I ran down stairs and grabbed the phone And dialed 911 I wasted not time pushing in the numbers

911 what's tour emergency

yes there's these guys they jumped the fence they've got guns and theyer going to kill someone

OK I'll send a unit your way what's your address.

I quickly told them the address

please. hurry

OK please stay calm and stay on-the- line and..... BANG BANG BANG

I screamed and dropped the e phone and it broke I ran out side and over to the house next door I saw smoke so I ran faster and bargged in I got hit with a bullet I hit the ground and landed on a piece. of glass then adults rushed towards me ether it was to save me or to grabbed my cell. phone I really don't know

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