9: Never Again

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*Egon's pov*

I held Natalie’s dead body close to mine. I was sobbing like a baby, but I didn’t care. My twin sister who has been by my side ever since I could remember, the person who was my best friend, the person I could go to with everything no matter what was now dead. I heard the others crying also, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so pale and the place the spear entered her body was just a sick reminder.

I felt someone sit beside me, and with tear filled eyes looked up to see Janine looking sadly at me. She gave a small smile to cry and make me feel better. I sat Nat’s head down and wrapped my chain bound arms around Janine and she held me. She rubbed my back in a relaxing way that made me feel a bit better.

“I’m sorry Egon,” she whispered in my ear. “That should have been me. I’m so sorry she took her life to save me.”

“I would be just has upset if she didn’t,” I told Janine making her look at me. She wiped my tears and hugged me again. “I just can’t believe she is gone!”

“None of us can,” Winston said looking down at her. He ran his hand over his nose and looked at the others. Peter and Cora were standing together comforting each other. Ray wasn’t looking at her but he was still crying, clearly showing that it hurt too much to think about it. Louis was crying has much has I was. The person he was ready to spend all his life with was now lying on the ground dead.

“It’s time for us to go,” Ligen told me taking hold of the end of the chains. I felt them pulled and he held me at eye level dangling like a puppet.

“No!” I yelled and I spit in his eyes. He yelled and dropped me sending me to the ground. Winston caught me so I didn’t fall and break my bones. “Thanks.”

“No problem homeboy,” he told me. He raised up his wand and carefully got the chains off of my wrist. I rubbed the spot that they were at and smiled at them. I looked down at Nat and carefully took the pack off of her. I slipped it on and looked up at him.

“This is for killing my sister!” I yelled and let the stream go off. He yelled and his body was destroyed in one quick moment. He didn’t have the power or me to keep it together. The others helped me keep him from going anyplace and I threw the trap under his spirit and he was sucked away. We all cheered and I smiled at everyone.

“We did it!” Peter yelled dancing for joy.

“I can’t believe we finally got rid of Ligen!” Winston said with a smile on his face.

“Do you hear that Nat?” Ray asked and we all stopped. It was Natalie’s goal to get rid of Ligen forever, but she died before she got to see it. Her body was still there, all alone and seemed too still to be her. Yet the same blonde hair in a ponytail, the same blue eyes behind purple glasses, her face clearly my sisters. Louis walked over and pushed her eyes closed.

“What are we going to do with her?” he asked me. Everyone looked at me and I sighed. She was my sister so I had to come up with all the details. I walked over and picked her up. I heard a little whisper in my ear, but when I looked I didn’t see a thing. I looked sadly down at her and carried her to Ecto 1. I knew exactly how to take care of Natalie, the fallen Ghostbuster.  


“She would love this Egon,” Ellis told me looking down at her grave. Mom and Dad were taking out the flowers and giving them out to our family and friends. I looked at the writing that I had put on her grave. No matter what she says, she got all the b’s: bravery, brains, brawn, beauty, and most of all honorable.

“I know she would have,” I replied looking at the black stone. It was strange to see her name on a grave stone when we were this young. Today we were reading her will and we already put her in the ground. It was still hard to think that my sister gave her life saving one of her friends and the woman I loved.

“I didn’t think I would ever have to see her stone before Mom’s or Dad’s.”

“I didn’t either. I don’t know if I’m okay with that.”

“She was our sister, of course not. She had a long life ahead of her. She had a great job, a loving family, amazing friends, a man ready to be her husband, yet she doesn’t get to see that.” Ellis lend down and put the rose he was holding and placed in on the stone. I sighed and did the same. I looked at the clean stone and put my hand on it.

“Goodbye Natalie,” I whispered. “I’ll never forget how wonderful you were to use.”

“You ready?” I heard Peter ask me. I looked up and saw all the guys wearing black suits and the girls in black dresses. We were grieving, but we had one more big thing to do. We walked out of the cemetery and I saw the press there already. We had a big announcement to give to them.

“Hi,” Winston told them with a wave of his hand. “I guess you’re all wondering what is going to happen to the Ghostbusters now that Ligen attacked us and Dr. Natalie Spengler is dead.”

“Well the answer to that question is simple,” Ray spoke up after the press quieted down. “For years we have been talking about expanding the company to other cities.”

“Natalie was a big supporter of the plan,” Peter jumped in. “She thought that every town that had ghost in it should have a place to go to when they have to call someone to get rid of those spirits.”

“So in her memory we are going to start working on getting a unit out to Cincinnati,” I finished. We didn’t have anything else to say so we walked away with the reporters asking questions. We didn’t have to answer them. All we had to do was rebuild out firehouse and get back to what we did best, hunting ghost. We also have to learn how to live without Natalie around.

I hope you all are likely this book so far. Only one chapter left and then I can do the last book of the series and then to my BJ books. Now I said that I was going to do another book on Ghostbusters when I get down with all the things I have promised. Well Natalie is dead, so I beat one or two of you have wondered how I’m going to do it. Well they would be before these happened. You have to think that the guys and Nat have had more than just the adventures I have wrote. I have a whole page of ideas I haven’t used yet! I could use all of those to make another book with Nat in it. So you guys will get to see her alive again, but she will still die the way she did now. Peace out my Stars!

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