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Natsu sighed as he walked into the guild hall. He'd been slowly falling in love with Gray, of all people. He didn't realize it until a couple of nights ago, though. He could sense the ice mage as soon as he walked through the doors. He could smell that scent of pine mixed with a subtle minty freshness. He longed to hug the mage to him and just hold him. When he looked over to him, his heart started to race a little bit. He fought the small blush that wanted to rise on his cheeks. 

"What's the matter, Natsu?" Mira asked, eyes filled with worry. It wasn't often that Natsu came into the guild without a smile. Natsu shook his head and forced a smile to show.

"Nothing. I'm just tired," he lied. He let his head fall onto the worn wood in front of him. He heard Mira leave and go into the kitchen. He released another sigh before he heard Mira's light footsteps coming back. His perked up at the sound of crackling fire. His head came up slowly to see Mira holding a plate of flaming chicken. 

"I hope this will help," she replied. He could see in her eyes that she didn't believe him. He only gave a sad smile in return. He started eating the flaming chicken slowly. He was almost done when Gajeel stood on a table. 

"Hey! I have an announcement. Gray is my boyfriend," he said. Natsu choked on the flames he had been trying to eat as everyone around him cheered for the new couple. Mira reached over the counter and patted Natsu's back, trying to help the fire dragon. 

"Thanks Mira," he said quietly when he could talk again. Mira heard the tone of his voice and sighed. She knew now what was wrong, but didn't say anything. 

Natsu stood up and left the guild, thinking no one but Mira saw him. He didn't see Gray frown in his direction. 

The flame dragon was fighting back tears as he left the loud guild behind. He went into the woods and punched a tree in his grief. It fell over with a loud crash, almost falling into the guild's backyard. All sound stopped in the guild and Natsu's eyes widened. He took off at a silent sprint and didn't stop until he came to a small river. He finally let out the tears, body shaking. 


Back at the guild, at least half them went to see what had happened. When they saw the tree, they frowned. Gray was confused. What could've knocked the tree down?

Gajeel seemed to be the only one that noticed the small scorch mark near the bottom. He gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew Natsu must've been upset at something. He didn't know what though. It wasn't until he heard Mira mutter under her breath, thinking no one heard her. "Oh, Natsu. Why didn't you just tell him?"

Gajeel's eyes widened. Tell him? Tell who what? 


Natsu was missing the next day in the guild. No one but Mira noticed it. When he showed up the day after, he grabbed a mission off the wall and left after showing Mira. He didn't even take Happy with him. 

Happy was worried. Natsu didn't seem okay. He seemed really sad. Happy plopped down on a table where the other exceeds and the rest of the group were sitting. 

"What's wrong Happy?" Lilly asked, walking up next to the blue feline. Happy sniffed before answering. 

"It's Natsu," he said, not going any further. This caught Gajeel's attention. 

"What's wrong with Natsu?" the black feline responded. Happy shrugged.

"I don't know. He seemed so sad yesterday. He just went on a mission and didn't even say a word to me," Happy said. Lilly frowned, but didn't say anything. Instead he just put a paw on Happy's head in comfort. 

Gajeel didn't understand. What was so wrong with Natsu, that he'd forget Happy? He looked over to see the others chatting away as if they never noticed. FInally he noticed bunnygirl look around.

"Where's Natsu?" she asked, head tilting in curiosity. 

"What do you mean?" Gray asked. Lucy hummed in worry.

"I haven't seen him in a couple days," she responded. Gray frowned. That was very unlike the fire dragon. But he shook it off.

"I'm sure that flamebrain will be alright," Gray said. "He doesn't need us to hold his hand."


Natsu dodged the monster, but was once again too slow. He had been fighting this thing for awhile now. It never usually took him this long to defeat a monster. He flew back and felt his spine hit the trunk of a tree. He grunted in pain before standing up. He ran towards the monster with a flaming fist. He put all the remaining strength he had left into his punch. It seemed to be enough this time, as the monster flew back and landed on his back. It was knocked out. 

The flame dragon let out a breath when he could finally go back to the town. He received payment from the worried client. He waved off any concern and headed home. He saw himself in a reflection. He looked a little worse for wear. He had a nasty black eye, his chest was scratched to hell from the monster's claws, and when he turned around he saw that his back was one big black and blue through his tattered shirt.  

He didn't care. He could deal with the pain. Truth be told, it took his mind off of a certain ice mage. If only for a few moments. 

The trek home wasn't as long as he wanted it to be, but oh well. He walked into the guild to inform Mira that he had completed his mission. Mira gasped once she saw the state the boy was in. It was a simple monster, and she knew it shouldn't have been a problem for him. 

"What happened?" she asked. Natsu shook his head.

"I'm fine," he responded, avoiding the question. No one else seemed to notice that the fire dragon had come back. Well, that wasn't true. Gajeel's nose twitched when the scent of a crackling fire reached his nose. Looking over, his eyes widened. Natsu looked like he had been put through the ringer and back. He saw the boy give Mira a tired smile and walk back out the door. 

What had happened to the other?


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