Chapter 2 - Whoops

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Austin's POV

I wake to sleepy Odette sprawled across my chest. I gently move her and climb silently out of the couch. Last night was her birthday party, and I must've crashed on the couch at some point. My head pounds from drinking too much alcohol, and I check the time on my phone. It reads Friday, May 11th, and the time is 10:00 am.

Shit. We're super late for school.

I shake Odette awake lightly, and she smiles up at me. We're in her trashed living room, and she only has a bra and jeans on. "Good morning," she mutters, sitting up.

"Morning," I sigh. "We're like, 2 hours late for school. Should I call us all in?" I say, motioning to our friends that sleep across the living room floor. She shakes her head.

"We have that big calculus test this afternoon. We can't miss, Austin."

"Shit," I sigh once more. We shake each of our friends awake, and Matilda calls the school acting like our mothers and fathers, telling them we'll be late.

I rush to pull on my clothes as quickly as possible, and run a brush through my dark brown hair. I attempt to brush the smell of beer out of my mouth, and spray on just the right amount of axe.

The 4 of us that are present pile into my car and I speed towards the school. We're SO late.


After the test, my head truly pounds. I look down at my desk as the classroom is too bright. I pull my black hood over my head and stuff my head between my arms.

Odette smiles next to me, and Eric rubs his temples slowly. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. At least the day is almost over - I've made it.

After school, Odette approaches me. She wears an expression that I recognize from our many years of friendship. "What's wrong?"

"It's Tiffany," she sighs. "She slept with Charlie."

"What?" I ask for clarification. "But Charlie's gay."

"I know. They were drunk."

"Why do I need to know this?"

"Don't know. It's just surprising."

"Oh, okay."

Tiffany's POV

SHIT. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

It's POSITIVE. The test is positive. I'm pregnant.

I can't tell anyone. My parents will find out. I can't even tell my friends. Not even Charlie.

Charlie! He got me me pregnant! But he's gay. How does that even work? What happened last night? Why am I at Odette's house in her bathroom, and why is my baby daddy sleeping in her bed? Why did I wake up in it next to him, butt naked?

I can't believe I'm pregnant. I'm only 18 for god sakes. I had my whole life ahead of me, and now I'm having Charlie's child. HE had his life ahead of him too.

I need to see a doctor. Fast.

I gather up my things and sprint out the door as fast as possible. I jump into my car, avoiding my aching head. To the hospital I go.

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