Back to school part 2

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I felt my eyes begin to glow again and then I focused on a girl I seen being bullied by some older two-faced girls, she was crying and her light brown hair fell in her hazel green eyes, she wore a cute black top and ripped skinny jeans with little black ankle boots. Her black and orange granny panties were being pulled up her butt higher than any panties should and she couldn't do anything about it.

I zoomed in to take action, "Let her go!" I shout at them and they turn to stare at me with shocked faces.

"Just what are you goanna do about it?" A snotty bleach- blonde haired girl said sarcastically.

I focused on her carefully my eyes glowed red, "This!" I said as she was lifted straight into the air by her pink thong and I bounced her until it ripped and she hit the ground with a thud.

They freaked out of course and all ran off except for the brown haired girl who sat on the ground wide eyed, and she cowered when I walked over to her.

"Please don't hurt me..." She said quietly

"I won't hurt you I want to be your friend, I hope I didn't scare you I just wanted to help. My names Amy." I extend my hand to help her up and she takes it standing up and fixing her panties desperately.

"M-My names Kat but you can just call me Kitty."

"Glad to be friends, now how would you like to help me?" I smiled hugging her without any sign of hesitation and thus the change I wanted began that day.

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