ALL the dreams i've had!!!!

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(Weirdness alert)

i've had some preeeetty weird, strange, scary, and rarely sad dreams

let me tell you some of them

Soooooo... i ,once had a dream where me and my dad walked into a clothing store. we walked in. when we stood in there. we noticed a big drawer. It wasn't THAT big. In seconds, some robbers broke through the door, and put my dad into to the drawer? so he got suffocated in that little drawer...... he died.

aaaanddd i woke up crying (because thats wjat hoomans)

Aaaaand another dream is about how my mom died! Yay! (no thats actually really sad)

I think it was in london.... there was a big "old" cobblestone brigde (no. its not from minecraft)

someone came. and pushed my mom over the egde. aaanddd thats it

i woke up crying again (still for some reason hoomans do that)

And there also was a dream about 

me at some kind of emperium, or....building....of...some....kind.....yeah...something like thaattttt...... well there was a zombie outbrake

with A TON of zombies. we're talking MILLIONS of zombies

when i came to a playground at my school. and for some reason there was a trampoline right in the middle. they followed me all the time.. i think i crawled up a tree.... then "The Flying Dutchman" (or something like that) from spongebob squarepants. came with the Millions of zombies. that crawled up the climbing thing and the. i did something that made "The Flying Dutchman" feel... sorry????? or... just not wanting to kill me. and then i jumped down on the trampoline, that had been turned into some kind of hole... and then i woke up!

and i've had a dream where there was tramplines everywhere. and then one of them  transformed into a big black hole. and i woke up

there was also a dream where.......wheeerrreee....... *ERROR010101ERROR0100010101SHUT_DOWN10100010101*

oh nevermind that. it was wheeerrrreeee.........

where i was some kind of ninja thing. and i turned into a leopard. quality dreaming right there

and a dream where i had a harry potter broom, and flew around. but i couldn't fly very far. 

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