Toby's leg bled heavily because of the shot. He screamed in agony. Some people near him tried to help, but Sam threatened to shoot them if they did. Toby's vision became blurry... He became dizzy and panicked that he would die.
"Why! Why would you do this?"
Sam gave no answer.
"Come on! Answer me!"
When Sam refused to respond, Toby became filled with anger. He stood up with his good leg, the right one but he lost balance and slammed against the wall. The people near him tried to help him get up but they were reminded of Sam's warning. Toby glanced at Grant's body, laying across the floor. His blood slowly streamed away from his body. Toby noticed that Grant's blood and his own blood were streaming deeper within the hole --- meaning that the floor was at an incline. There has to be something else in there.
"15 seconds left, dear Toby."
Toby clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and hoped that this time, him answer would be accepted.
"The answer is the ho----"
Totally panicked and feeling mentally abused, Toby screamed in horror.
"WHAAAAAATTTTT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAATTTTT?????!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tears rolled from his eyes as he screamed and protested.
"I haven't even said it, you b**tard! What the hell's wrong with you!!!!!"
"But I haven't----"
"I am getting sick of your petty issues, Toby. Either you stand up for yourself, or you stand up for others, or you get in the middle. Make your choice!"
"I... I don't know what to do..." He cried.
He knelt down, afraid to look up. Tears stream down his face and to the floor.
"I don't know!"
The crowd behind him were all terrified and lost hope. They were held hostage by a madman who brought three men down for no logical reason.
"All right. Stay calm, Sam. Stay calm."
"OK, Toby... This is your last chance. Look up to me.."
Toby didn't respond.
"Toby! I said, look up!"
Toby froze as if he heard nothing. As if he felt nothing. His face grew dim. His dark hair was blemished with dirt, his hands and arms were bruised and covered with blood: the blood of a fallen innocent and the blood of a fallen heart. He lost his hope and accepted death. Amidst all the chaos and screaming and crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth, he just knelt there. Like a statue. Mom. Dad. Hey Julie. How are you guys there? He thought to himself. Wishing that he would see them all again for just one more time. Just once more. Well I'm here. Oh don't worry about me, I'm good. Good as dead. Before I go, can you just spare me that bacon you left at the table there? He chuckled. Everyone grew astonished of this. Oh how I wish I had told you guys. I'm on a trip today and... sorry for not asking your permission. I know you wouldn't let me, but... I just wanted to help you guys... that's it. Sam stared down at him, showing no facial expression. He was vague and stonecold. I don't know mom. Uhm... I don't know when I'll be back but... when I get home, just make sure you leave some bacon for Julie and I, okay? And dad, please stop saying you don't love me. I know you do. But I just really need you now.