She's Mine (StudxStud)

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Ronnie clenched her jaw as they drove through the familiar neighborhood. She was no longer relaxed she was quite tense. The memories that Forced its way into her mind caused Her to ball Her fists.

Over the past five years had been  hard to get through. The first year after leaving she found it hard to even speak. She was shocked beyond belief . She couldn't even begin to process what had been going on in her life, more so, what it had turned into.

No matter how she fought, the feeling of sadness always seemed to consume her. Sadness knowing that instead of moving forward she was back to where it all began, her 'home' . Sadness knowing that the person she gave all her love to gave up on her and abandoned Her in a note over something she couldn't control. She was trying to protect Her because she loved her. What hurt Her the most was the fact that she couldn't have even called her or speak to her in person.

Year two, she still felt some sort of sadness but she began to have Hope. Hope that Jasmine wasn't over her and they would get to be together again. She would wait by her phone anxiously awaiting Her call. The Hope that she felt helped her to ignore Her mother and Jamar's existence .

Half of the time she wasn't even home and when she was Jamar was beating the crap out of her. No matter how she wanted to fight him back and bust his skull open, she contained her anger knowing that if she did he would put her out and she had no where else to go but the streets.

Year Three, she realized that Jasmine was never going to call or text Her back. During this period she lost all Hope and her sadness turned into anger. She was angrier than she ever was before.  She couldn't contain Her New found anger causing her to get in trouble with the law a few times.

She no longer tolerated Jamar anymore. One day he pushed her and she lost it . She ended up cracking three of his ribs, an arm and battered his face badly. Jamar was Now unrecognizable . Still She felt no satisfaction.

Jamar wasn't shit and he couldn't do shit either. Both him and her mother were afraid of her ,so they kept out of her way at all times.

She only kept in touch with one person and that was Jahne, her only friend. Two days couldn't pass without Jahne trying to get in contact with her.

Ronnie was convinced that Jahne had feelings for her but pretended that she didn't notice. She didn't feel anything towards her, the only thing she felt was sorry for her. Sorry for her because she deserved somebody who would love her and that just wasn't her.

What was sad was the fact that they were miles and miles away and Jahne still had feelings for her.

"Ronnie, "

Ronnie was snapped out of her thoughts when Jahne spoke. Her eyes drifted over to her as she waited for her to continue speaking.

"Talking wouldn't hurt, "Jahne spoke anxiously.

"I don't feel like it. Check me tomorrow," was her response.

Jahne chuckled, "Same Old Ronnie. I'm glad that you decided to come back. I missed you. "

Ronnie continued to stare out the window . This was what she didn't want.

Jahne shook her head, "You could've said you missed me too. "

"I'll be quiet, "she spoke when Ronnie didn't reply.

They drove in comfortable silence until they arrived at her apartment complex.

"That's the last of your stuff? "Jahne asked placing Her hands on her hips.

"Yeah. "

Jahne flopped down on her bed that was across from Ronnie's.

"I would assume that you're hungry so we should go to the supermarket to Buy some stuff so I can cook, unless you want to go out to eat. "

"I ain't in the mood to go out. "

Jahne hopped off of the bed, "So to the supermarket then. "

... ... ...

"I'm gonna go get the chicken breasts, I'll be right back, "Jahne spoke.

She quickly head towards the frozen foods section of the supermarket.

"Chicken breasts, chicken breasts, Chicken breast, "She mumbled to her self.

Her eyes widened and she immediately began to panic when she spotted the familiar burgundy coloured hair .

"Oh fuck, fuck, "She mumbled when Jasmine turned around.

She couldn't allow Ronnie and her to bump into each other. If Ronnie saw her she would've probably choked Her to death . The list of possibilities went on.

She hesitantly made her way towards the chicken breasts while corner eyeing Jasmine.

Jasmine looked over at her and sucked her teeth. The two still had beef between them. Jasmine did nothing to her and she was constantly sending Her glares and even threatened Her a few times within the first year that Ronnie left.

She felt a burning sensation in her chest when she began to think about her. She still missed her even after five years. In the beginning she was able to manage, because she believed that it was the best decision she could've made . Ronnie was far too aggressive for her, but loved Every other quality she had. The Good she did out did the bad. Still Jasmine promised herself she would never look back. What's done is done and she no longer cared To look back.

"Jasmine! "Jahne exclaimed blocking her before she could continue to walk.

"What the fuck do you want? "

"Can't I just say hi. Lets put all that negative stuff behind us and move on. "

Jasmine sucked her teeth, "If you don't get yo bitch ass outta my face. "

Pushing her to the side, Jasmine walked pass Her.

"Jasmine. If you know what's good for you, you'll turn around and leave. "

"And why the hell should I do that, "Jasmine turned to face her.

"Ronnie's in here. If you value your existence on earth you should leave. "

Confused Jasmine frowned, "I ain't got time for your bullshit Jahne. Ronnie is back in Jamaica. "

"Well she's back now and she's staying with me. Like I said if you know what's good for you leave now. "

"Oh shit, "Jahne hissed when she spotted Ronnie pushing the shopping cart. She was too busy paying attention to what was on her phone to notice what was going on around them.

"What? "

"She's coming towards us. "

Instantly, Jasmine's mouth became dry and it felt as though her stomach had dropped. She nervously swallowed as her hands began to sweat.

"Why are you still standing there? Go! "Jahne whisper yelled.

Jasmine wanted to move but she was in so much shock that she couldn't.

When Ronnie finally looked up, it was as if she saw Jasmine, but still didn't see her.  She felt absolutely nothing at that moment and her face showed it all.

"You ready? "She asked Jahne when she approached them.

"Uh,yeah,"Jahne said grabbing the closest pack of chicken breasts .

She hesitantly looked between Ronnie and Jasmine. Jasmine's eyes held longing and desire , where as Ronnie's eyes held nothing. They were blank. It was as if she didn't even care.

Jahne felt some sort of satisfaction knowing this. Now she was certain that she had a chance to act on her feelings for Ronnie.

Jasmine felt a familiar pain in her chest as she watched them walk away. Ronnie didn't even spare Her a glance.

"Typical, "She mumbled rolling her eyes.

Ronnie just didn't care, she never cared. Five years passed and she still hadn't changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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