Haunted House

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I had to write this for my English test, and I liked it so I decided to also write it on Wattpad! I wrote this in an hour so I hope it's alright 😂

The bus ride was long and boring, and it started to get dark outside. After driving for what felt like hours, the bus suddenly stopped and the bus driver jumped out of the bus and ran into the woods. We followed him, but we soon lost him. When we returned to the bus we noticed that our mentor was gone too. Great. Just great. What now?

After looking around for a while we found an old abandoned house. We thought our mentor went inside, so we went inside too. It looked like a house from an old movie. When we were all inside, the door suddenly slammed shut and we all jumped in fright. Then we decided to go look around. We didn't go upstairs, because no one was brave enough to do that. We found some old drawings, probably from people who lived here long ago.

After a while we all gathered in the hall, when suddenly the lights went off. We all jumped in fright, but tried to stay calm. Then we heard a blood-curling scream from one of the girls and we looked at her. She pointed at the top of the stairs, shaking. We slowly looked where she was pointing at.

It was a girl, a little girl. She was around 9 years old, wearing a white old dress and she had long brown curling hair. She was staring right at us.

Some girls started to scream and run around panicked, trying to get away. The girl was staring at me, and I couldn't help but to stare back. I couldn't hear anymore, couldn't see anything anymore except for her. It was just me and her.

Suddenly some boys started to throw stuff at her. The girl just stood there, looking at them. Then she slowly stretched out her hand and pointed at them. Bats and spiders came out of nowhere and attached the boys. Everyone started to panick again.

I looked at the girl and made a decision. I slowly started to walk upstairs, looking at the girl I tried to show her that I didn't mean to do her any harm. When I got upstairs I slowly walked over to you. "Who are you?" I asked her softly.
She pointed at a drawing and I looked at it. It was a drawing of a little girl and her parents. The description read, 'Mr. and Ms. Rosewood with their 8-year old daughter Helena.' It was a drawing from 1680.

My eyes widened in shock and disbelief and I turned to her. "Is that you? Are you Helena Rosewood?" She gave a small nod. So she was a ghost. Strangely I didn't feel freaked out by that, I just felt as if I needed to help her. If I had learned one thing about ghosts from movies and books, it was that if they stay in a place it's because something is keeping them there. And I needed to find out why this girl was here.

"Why are you here?" I asked her. She pointed at the drawing again. I looked again, but I didn't see anything strange. Was it about her parents? Maybe she wanted to know where her parents were? I asked her, "Is this about your parents?" But she shook her head and pointed again. I took a closer look and after a few moments I realised that the girl in the drawing had a Teddy bear. I looked at her again. "Is this about your Teddy bear?" Helena looked at me and nodded. I smiled. So that was it: I had to find her Teddy bear. Now where would it be?

I started to look in rooms, and after a while I found a room that looked like it belonged to a little girl. I knew that it would have to be here. I started to look for the Teddy bear. A few moments later I smiled as I found the Teddy bear. I turned around, and I wasn't surprised when I saw Helena standing there. I handed the Teddy bear over to her. A huge smile appeared on her face, and then there was a bright light, so bright that I had to close my eyes. When I opened them again Helena was gone. I smiled to myself, happy that I had helped her.

I started to walk back to my class. When I got there they were still panicking, when the bats and spiders suddenly disappeared. I tried to open the door and surprisingly, it opened. The kids began to push and pull, trying to get out of the house as soon as possible. I waited patiently, knowing that Helena had done this. When I was the only one left in the house, I glanced back at where I'd first seen Helena and I smiled when I saw her standing there with her parents. She smiled at me and waved, before I turned around and walked out of the house.

We walked back to the bus where we saw our mentor. She'd been worried about us and she asked us where we've been. Then I noticed that it was getting light outside. We were in the house longer than I thought we were. We explained to her what had happened, but of course she didn't believe us. I didn't think she would, I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen Helena myself. I didn't tell anyone what had happened upstairs, though. That was a little secret between her and me.

We started to look for our bus driver to drive us back to school, and when we found him after a few minutes we went back to school.


Okay, so, I hope you guys like this 😂 I had one hour to write this so please don't judge me if it's bad 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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