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Louis had been texting and talking to Eleanor for quite some time now and the excitement wasn't dying. He continued to see her in drunken fits after work. Harry knew nothing about it. But they were fighting.
"Why are you never home?" Harry asked as Louis walk through the door.
"I am home. I'm home right now." He had just been with Eleanor.
"Lou it's midnight and you never work this late what's going on?" He said desperately 'is it me do you not love me anymore.' He thought to himself.
'I'm with someone else cause you don't do anything for me all you want is attention and to fight.' He thought twice to say, but decided against it saying. "I'm working a lot. I'm saving money since someone doesn't work."
Harry shakes his head and storms off into their room.
Louis falls asleep on the couch being woken by Harry shaking him. "I'm sorry. I'll get a job. I-I'll do anything just please come home."
'Has he been crying?' Louis thinks to himself yes he has. "It's ok love. You don't have to. I'll try to come home more."
Harry pleads "come to bed please."
Louis follows Harry to their room climbing into bed. He waits until Harry has fallen asleep and starts texting Eleanor. Once they're done he falls asleep next to the oblivious boy he'd been lying to for over a month maybe longer.

This story is ending soon. Sorry guys. I might write a chapter or two. Thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. Love y'all. -Jade

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