Chapter 1:New Arrivals

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Chapter 1: New Arrivals

The girl wore all black and immediately I thought of her as one of those wanna be goth girls. Man was I wrong.

As the guards brought her in, she thrashed, kicked, screamed, cursed, and yelled at the top of her lungs how they all would rue the day they did this to her. I wasn't even paying attention at first, as this happens every day. But as soon as she said that one bone-chilling sentence I froze.

The cheap bouncy ball that I received as my only form of entertainment for the day bounced to the floor and stopped at my feet, but I made no attempt to snatch it up as I usually would have.

I pulled my thin,frail body up and half walked, half limped over, and peered out of the thin space between the bars of the window of my cage.

The girl displayed a hardened face and dark eyes that showed absolutely no sympathy to anyone She currently was kicking, pointlessly at the nearest guard and yelling about some sort of experimentation. Many of the others aren't listening, but some yell though the doors, demanding to know what she's blabbing about.

"You're a an experiment!!You're not really insane!!!!!! Regain your memory and don't drink the soup! The truth will come with time and the black goo!"

The others start shouting at her then, yelling how she's completely lost her marbles. The guards get irritated and pull out a syringe. The plastic surrounding it is all white so you can't see the color of the serum inside of it. The girl seems to know what's coming though and thrashes and flails her arms wildly as the guards throw her roughly to the ground. They inject the serum into her and she goes completely silent, her body flopping uselessly to the ground. The guard throws her over his shoulder and walks off, while another guard yells at all of the onlookers to go back to what they were doing and step away from the windows or be punished. I slowly step back, but just before I turn back to my robotic routine, I catch a glimpse of the girl's arm where they injected her, and the black ooze that is dripping out of the small puncture, and a freezing pain fills my whole body.


A couple of days after the incident with the girl in black, I still can't explain the involuntary cold that shot through me. It only made me question if what she said was true, or maybe we all were crazy after all. That's why we are all here, isn't it?

My cell door, as I like to refer to it, slides open and a burly guard nods at me, and gestures me out with a wave of his arm, that is easily the size of a tree trunk. I shiver as the cold air hits me, but continue to shuffle forward.

"Go a little faster Nate." the guard barks in his scratchy voice.

I continue to shuffle, but shuffle faster now, knowing what he can get away with if I don't behave.

We pass row after row of doors. Some of the others look out and I send sympathetic looks to those that I know. Just as we round the corner another guard comes into view, a guy at his side.

This guy is wearing orange faded skinny jeans with numerous rips in them, a ratty gray t-shirt, and nothing more. Something that does attract my attention to him is the piercing. His piercing doesn't go through his ear, eyebrow, or anywhere else a person would normally get a piercing. This piercing goes through the middle of his throat and is so thick it resembles a stake.

How he's not bleeding internally, or externally for that matter is a mystery to me. As I get closer I see a tube type thing in his neck that the stake rests inside of, as well as scar tissue surrounding the sides of his throat where it appears he was stitched back together.

Another shiver wracks my body and the guard stops and sends a glare my way. Without hesitating he pulls out a baton, the same kind a police officer would carry around, and slams it down hard on my shoulder. I wince and reach up for it, but he's too fast. He smacks my fingers and a gruesome snap fills the otherwise silent hallway.

The guard and man stop and the guard that is beating me turns away for a second. They exchange a few words and, as soon his back is turned to me just enough, I launch myself at him. My legs wrap around his hips, my thighs clenching his sides and back, attempting desperately to stay on his back. I reach around and easily find his eyes and dig my fingers deep into the sockets. He let's out a blood- curling scream and throws himself backward.

We both hit the wall but I, bring on his back, take the majority of the blow.

The other guard looks conflicted between helping his fellow guard and friend, and watching the man that he's responsible for.

Finally he jumps in and the man sees this as an opportunity. He doesn't even flinch as he takes the gun from the the second guard's belt and puts it to the back of his head.

The guard that I'm on top of notices that in off centered and distracted and slams me back into the wall, causing more cracking. He then grabs my arm and bends forward, throwing me over his shoulder and into the floor.

Piercing guy shouts something that can't be heard over the ringing of pain in my ears and I look up just in time to see the second guards brains get flung all over the wall.

I get a little bit of spray and a powerful boot slams into my ribs. I watch as the feet get further, closer to the pierced man who just murdered a man in cold blood.

The guard that had me lunges at piercing guy and gets to him before he can shoot again. The gun goes flying and the two men start a hand-to-hand combat type battle.

The guard is slow though with his impaired eyesight and he struggles to blow every blow thrown at him.

I groan as I try to move toward the gun and instantly know that I have at least one broken rib.

I force myself to blink away the black spots that are beginning to form in my eyes and blur out my vision.

The pain is to overwhelming though and the swarming or my vision, mixed with the never-ending ringing in my ears is too much.

Just before I black out I remember seeing the pierced man's eyes and thinking I saw Satan himself. Where his eyes should have been, black sockets replaced it and what appeared to be camera lenses replaced them. Then everything was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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