Not an update.

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I've seen all your comments telling me to update and i must say i'm flattered that you're all enjoying my story, however i am extremely busy right now. For those who don't know me personally, which is all of you, I live in England. I am in my final year of school, meaning i have exams at the end of the year. I also have mock exams at the end of this month and in march sometime. This alone is making me busy. 

Aside from school, I am also trying to focus on my makeup, which if you follow me on instagram (crimsoncoven) you'd know i take very seriously and wish to make a career out of. I need to focus on getting the best grades i can in order to take the makeup course i want to take at college.

Once more, writing isn't my main priority. This story was something i started on holiday more than two years ago. I never expected for it to get as big as it did. I am incredibly grateful that you guys made this happen and will continue writing this, but you have to take my personal life into account when you write your comments. I see them all, remember.

Anyway, thank you for reading this and thank you so much for your patience. I know it's not easy to be patient when you're trying to wait for a new chapter of a story you love to come out. I appreciate it, really.

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