CHAPTER 8: Act of Love

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‘I told you, she said I was right about everything.’

‘That’s just it, Athena, exactly what is everything?’

‘Heather,’ Athena replied to her best friend like she was supposed to understand exactly what that meant. ‘What the general public knows about Lily’s condition is that she had an accident. That’s it, Bee, an accident. You, me, those closest to her know the truth…’

‘And it puzzles me every day,’ Beyoncé said; mostly to herself.

‘That’s beside the point. You know she tried to kill herself, right? Do you know why?’

‘No, Athena, but I’m sure you’re going to enlighten me,’ she said with a hint of tiredness in her voice. The pair was in the library that morning, plowing through books but not really learning anything. Distractions around them ranged from boys to the phones before them to the conversation they were having.

Athena fell silent as she waited for a few guys to walk past their table; as if they were interested in Lily’s problems. When they were out of earshot, she continued, ‘Drugs.’

Somehow this didn’t come as news to Beyoncé. She wore the not-so-interested look on her face she always did. Lily was doing drugs, she thought; big shocker… Athena thought she could almost hear exactly what Beyoncé was thinking but decided not to address it. Maybe this next bit of news would interest her.

‘Drugs that Heather gave her,’ Athena continued. She noticed the change of emotion on her friends face and almost wanted to smile. Heather? A drug dealer? Naw…

‘So that explains why they had such a tight bond,’ Beyoncé said. The news had only just sunk in. as shocking as it should have been, she didn’t seem to realize that she wasn’t all that surprised. Naturally, Heather was a bad person who just put on a pretty face for those who saw her. ‘But how do drugs cause someone to attempt suicide?’

‘Heard of Halo?’

‘Yeah, I thought the stuff was outlawed.’

‘Come on, Bee, the girl is from Mexico,’ Athena said snappishly. The mood should have softened a bit but it didn’t seem to. ‘Seriously, though, I don’t think that stuff can quantify as drugs, Bee. Given their intensity and the side effects, I can confidently say that Heather was trying to poison Lily.’


‘No, Bee. You and I both know what those drugs do to people who take them in huge amounts,’ Athena said hotly. ‘Besides, Heather told Lily that it was morphine. Morphine, Bee! Now why would she lie if she didn’t have some villainous agenda in mind?’

‘“Villainous agenda?” Athena, come on.’

‘Trust me, Bee, I know how it sounds, but what other explanation do you have for it?’

‘You know of late, I’ve been feeling like I know Lily less and less,’ Beyoncé said, perhaps a little too candidly. Though Athena eyed her like she was out of her mind, she couldn’t help but feel a dash of truth in that statement. The stiff silence between them lingered longer than it should have, but only because they were in a library. ‘I’m sorry, Athena, but I’m not sure accusing Heather of something so serious is the right thing to do. Don’t get me wrong, I love Lily and I know Heather is up to something, but I don’t think its murder. In any case, did Lily ever tell you why she takes drugs?’

There was no need for words as Athena gazed at Beyoncé rather evocatively. All of a sudden the doubts started to flood into both their minds. Maybe Heather wasn’t the villain at all. Maybe Lily was the one they were meant to turn against. But, as soon as those thoughts got their fair share of entertainment, they were dismissed. Athena, shaking her head, said to Beyoncé, ‘We’ve known Lily our whole lives, Bee.’

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