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Hey.. Dinewkid here
We all know that Jesus is the Son of God and is also part of the Godhead in Trinity. But who is Jesus to You...
To me He is a friend, and a pure lover.
Who is He to you and why?....
He is a friend to me because No matter all the things I have done He forgives me and still wants me close to him, He is a pure lover because I have felt his presence and experienced his peaceful pure love and all I had to do to experience it was to ask.... I didn't really ask. I was in my room, and was like trying to read the Bible when I read a passage that said "the earth is full of His glory ".and then I just said "God (thats Jesus) so you are here?",and all of a sudden I felt Him, sitting on the bed in fact, he was there even though I could not see him, but I could feel his presence, warm, love filled, and stress free presence.. I had issues at that period but all my fears just stripped away. That was when I knew, he is everywhere ,but to experience him you have to realise it and call on him to talk and answer your questions and heart desires. Jesus gave me and still gives me peace that surpasses all understanding.. If you don't know what that means ,it means no matter the height of my problems or even yours  ,even the highest thing to worry about on earth, he can give you peace makes the issue look small, and easy to handle.. You just need to ask for his Spirit to guide you.

OK ok ok... I have said too much
What about you... I need to hear from you... Seriously we all do... So.... Come one..... Tell me who Jesus is to you and why(if you have the time to say so). Give us an experience.

Oh.. And one more thing.. Tag people as you do this, plzzzz... We need as much people as we can to talk about Jesus

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