Welcome to the club!

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Hello and welcome to the Literature Reviews and Analysis club where we are going to be reading OUR own works and talking about them, reviewing them, and analyzing them. 

Literature is an amazing, and mesmerizing art. The sheer genius of a writer to imagine, spin and coherently bring his or her work to life is nothing short of fascinating. So, we are going to partake in this fascination of not only delving into a world and a story created by others and ourselves, but we are also going to attempt to understand and relate to these stories on a deeper level.

We will be reading, reviewing and analyzing poems, songs, short stories, novellas, and novels.

Everyone in the club is guaranteed to have their work on the "picks of the week" list but to be sure of involvement and participation, those who are not as involved will have their works placed at the back of the queue.

To be part of this club please fill out this short application below:



Genre(s) of literature specialized in:

A little bit about yourself and why you want to join the club:

Thank you for your consideration to join this club! Although it is new, we hope that it grows, and fulfills its aim of putting the works of Wattpad authors out there, of garnering reads, reviews, and analysis for those works. 

Don't forget to follow this account or add this book to a specific reading list for this club so you are sure to get notifications when I post about readings and such! 

Club members are encouraged to follow and get to know their fellow club members in efforts of making this more into our own lovely Wattpad community.



***Accepting Members***

Literature Reviews and Analysis ClubWhere stories live. Discover now