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Goldie woke up on the morning of September First to the sound of rain hammering on the windows and wind howling through the frames - no, wait. That was the sound of Mrs Weasley's voice calling her husband's name up the stairs, not wind. There was a ruckus that descended, and Goldie could only guess that was Mr Weasley bolting down the stairs to attend to his wife. She turned her head to look at Bill, whose gangly limbs were wrapped around her and his mouth hung wide open as he snored . Goldie turned onto her side and propped herself up on one elbow and stroked the stray hairs from his face back. Bill closed his mouth and turned into her, in an attempt to bury his face as far into the pillow, or her chest, as possible.

"Are you watching my brother sleep? You weirdo." Goldie jumped as Charlie's croggy voice came from behind her. He chuckled slightly at her reaction and rubbed his eyes.

"Shut up, Charlie." Bill mumbled against the American's chest, sending vibrations throughout her body. Goldie ran a hand through Bill's knotted hair and slightly tugged his head back. He blinked up at her. "Morning." He whispered, to which she whispered 'morning' back.

"Morning." A voice whispered through Goldie's hair, from directly behind her. She turned her head ever so slightly to see the ginger lad with his balaclava still on. Goldie shrieked and elbowed Charlie, which forced a loud groan from the man-child as he stumbled back and collapsed on his bed. "What was that for!" He moaned loudly, as though he had been stabbed.

"You deserved it, mate." Bill said as he sat up and pulled Goldie into him. Charlie rolled his eyes, pulled off his balaclava, ruffled his hair and got up again.

"Well. I'm going to have a piss before the school kids are wrestling each other at the bathroom door to go one last time before the trip to King's Cross." He said before he left the room.

Bill and Goldie got ready themselves, her wrapping up in one of Bill's old Christmas jumpers with a large 'B' knitted on it. She wore some of Charlie's old pyjama bottoms that looked somewhat like trousers, and had on her own sneakers. Bill wore clothes suitable for the British September weather, and Goldie longed to be in North Carolina again, where it was warm. They walked hand in hand downstairs, to see Mr Weasley bumbling out the door. He uttered a quick 'goodbye' to them and left, so they walked into the kitchen, where they picked up on the tail end of a conversation.

"Did someone say Mad-Eye?" Bill asked. "What's he been up to now?"

"He says someone tried to break into his house last night." Mrs Weasley said as Hermione passed Goldie a cup of tea.

"Mad-Eye Moody?" George pondered aloud as he spread orange marmalade on his toast. "Isn't he that nutter –"

"Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody." Mrs Weasley said sternly with a heavy look at her son, as though to dare him to say anything else negative about the wizard.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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