Getting Loss Somewhere

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Murdoc tapped the steering wheel of his car impatiently as Stuart, known as 2D, messed with Google Maps on his phone.
"It won't show up Mudz."
2D's voice was quiet and calm, his eyes glancing worriedly over the angry bassist.
"The hell you mean it won't show!?! Does ye bloody phone work!?!"
2D visibly flinched at the over use of venom in the older man's voice and slowly shook his head.
"I-It may be a bit slow.."
2D voice had gone quiter, knowing it was better than to mess with Murdoc when he was in this frenzied, angered mood.
"Well fuck it being slow! We're stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere and to make things worse, I'm stuck with you!"
Murdoc's voice was dripping with rage, his grip on the steering wheel was tight enough that his green hue knuckles were turning white. Stuart backed away a bit, tears pricking his eyes. He hated how easily scared he was of the satanist yet he hated more how weak and powerless he felt at moments like this.
Murdoc's lip turned into a straight line as he let heavy breaths come out of his nose. His fingers twitched against the steering wheel, wishing he didn't forget to bring his back up flask. He really could go for a nice long drink right about now.
The car stayed silent until the bluenette finally mustered the courage to speak up.
"We could do somefin to pass the time, Mudz."
The thought sent a heat through the older male as he turned towards the lanky, younger boy and lifted an eyebrow.
"Eh? Something? Like what?"
2D gulped down his rising nerves as he leaned forward towards the bassist and placed his soft lips against Murdoc's dry ones.
The mysteriously green man didn't hesitate to lock lips with the other, their lips moving together in a fast and unsteady rhythm. The kissed they shared was now, in fact, getting quite heated and the blue-haired boy slowly slid his hands into Murdoc's black hair, gripping it tightly. The older man let out a small grunt of approval as he wrapped one arm tightly around the other's small waist.
Rain began to patter against the metal roof as the two boys parted from there heated kiss, each of them looking into each other's eyes, one lustful and the other's black and innocent.
"Oh, Murdoc look! The map finally loaded!"
Murdoc gave out a low groan as he glanced at the road.
"Well...we can't wait a bit longer."
I hoped you enjoyed this first challenge! There will be smut so don't worry ya filthy sinners! Tomorrow I will be updating the next so stay tuned!

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