Sleeping In

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I'm skipping 7. It will be done at the end of the story.

Soft snoring came from Murdoc's room, 2D's ear by the door. He's been there for about an hour, listening to Murdoc cry and then sleep. He felt bad, horrible even. He never gave Murdoc a chance to explain his actions and yet here he is acting like a complete dick towards the bassist.

2D gulped down guilt and pulled his legs up to his chest. He loved Murdoc so much. So why was he hurting him? What purpose was 2D trying to have hurting his lover? God, everyone was right. He was stupid. He was stupid for believing that he could love someone. I mean, he was nothing but a cry baby and apparently a heat braker. That hurt him the most. The fact that he, Stuart Pot, had hurt a man everyone was to think that he was made of steal, hurt the most. He always promised he'd be the one to make Murdoc laugh, not cry.

Murdoc slept late past practice, late past dinner. In fact, he didn't come out until it was midnight. He groggily stepped into the living room and paused as he watched the blue haired male he loved stare blankly at a T.V. screen, nothing but static playing.

Murdoc rasied an eyebrow and walked over, his cold hands gripping cold shoulders.
"Face ache, what ya doing up so bloody late?"
Murdoc's voice made 2D jump up and almost knock over the couch as he threw his slim body into the arms of the satanist.

It started off small but got louder. Murdoc was laughing. The singer was confused before a warm pair of arms wrapped around him in return.
"I'm glad. I don't think I could've taken another day without being with you D."

They both say in a comfortable silence, their embraces are all they needed. Until more actions was involved.

Murdoc was worried that 2D would back out, but the tall man seemed to be clinging to the green male, trying to pull him as close as possible, whining when he wasn't.

Both boys were wrapped into each other, Murdoc's long nails scrapped the taller male's scalp and backs and sides. His hands were gliding everywhere on 2D, feeling him, missing him, wanting him.

It was funny how no matter how much they fought, they both came back with the same force they had when they started out.

Murdoc's oddly long tounge licked up 2D's pale and exposed neck, watching the now naked boy squirm before him.
"Please just f-fuck me Mudz! I've already prepared and stuff."
Murdoc's eyebrow rasied as he watched the flushed man grow darker.
"Oi, have we now? So your ready for mi?"
The singer just nodded towards the bassist who didn't seem to need to complain and he pushed roughly into the lanky male, letting out a low groan.
"Fuck~ God I miss how tight you are~"

Pants and moans filled the living room, the couch was tore by nails and teeth, and sweat covered both of the boys. The fast and rougher the thrust, the louder and hotter 2D's moans were. Everything was falling perfectly into place for the bassist and the singer. The love, the sex, the passion. Everything was perfect.

"Nah~! MURDOC!"

2D's cum was thick as it dripped onto the toren up sofa. Murdoc's cum was thicker, filling the younger male all the way.

"Damn D, you've been holding back?"

"I didn't want to sleep wif her. Only yous Mudz."

Murdoc chuckled and placed a kiss on the songbird's head.

"I'm glad D. Really glad."

Murdoc x 2DWhere stories live. Discover now