Chapter 4

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Punk Feminine Looking Male Reader x Nerd Levi

Chapter 3

Waking up I look at my watch and saw that it was almost 12:45. My eyes widen and I quickly got up and ran towards school.

Once I got there I went to my locker and stuff my mask in there. I head towards Third Period only making a stop at the library for an excuse of why I was late.

Arriving at class I knock. The teacher opens the door and I walk in giving him the tardy excuse. He told me to sit down and star writing the definitions of the words in the board. I sat near Levi and gave him a small smile before I started doing my work. 

Once I was done I turn to Levi, before I could say anything he beat me to it.

"Why were you late?" He asks.

"I overslept." I reply rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.


"Yeah, anyway what did your mom said."

"She said that I could but as long as you stopped by so she can meet you."

"Awesome. Okay after school we will hang out and I can meet her when I drop you of at your house. Is that okay?" I ask him excitedly.

He smiles a bit and nods his head.

School went pretty fast and before I new it we were out of school.

Once the bell rang we stopped to gather some stuff in our lockers and we went out through the door.

"So where are we going?" Levi askes curiously.

"How about we go to the mall and then we'll go to the movies."

"Yeah. Sure, why not."

"Cool. Let's go." I say laughing.

"How are we getting there?"

"Hmmm, oh." I said excitedly.


"Hold on let me call someone."

"Umm ok. Who?"

"A friend of mine."

I took out my phone and called Kitsune.

"Hey Kit, it's  (Y/N). I need you to bring me my car."

"Ok Master (Y/N)."

"Thanks and be here as fast as you can. Bye." I say as I hang up.

I turn towards Levi and say, "And now we wait."

"You drive?"

"Yeah, Kit taught me when I was fifteen."

"Who's Kit."

"His name is Kitsune and his my personal butler."



We talked about random things until we hear a loud car engine.

"Looks like our ride is here." I say chuckling.

"That's your car?"


"You have a red Nero Daytona Ferrari 458 Spider car?"

"Yeah, now less talking and get in."

As he got in the passenger sit Kitsune got out and handed me the keys.

"I have already called a cab to pick me up. You go and have some fun Master."

"Thanks Kit, and how many times do I need to tell you to just call me (Y/N)."

"Sorry (Y/N) old habits die hard."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see ya back at home."

"Its you." He says correcting me.

"Fuck you." I say giving him the middle finger with a poker face.

He chuckles as he says, "(Y/N) you should get going."

"Yeah." I say as I got in the car, turn it on and drove of.

We arrived at the mall and went in. We walked around until I saw my favorite store and went in. I grabbed Levi's hand and went in. I went looking around still holding Levi's hand.

I saw some clothes that caught my eyes. I grabbed some and went to the changing room. I lightly pushed Levi in the room and gave him a shirt and some pants.

"Try this." I order him.

"Wha... what? No I can..." He tries to say but I inturupe him, "Oh sweety I'm not asking you I'm telling you. You don't have a choice."

He signed and went in. He tried a couple of other clothes that made him look like a punk.

"So do you like the cloths?" I ask him.

"I... I love them. I never new I could look like that."

I smile at him, "Very well." I said as we head to the cashier.

As the cashier checked out the clothes a saw a bunch of beanies. I grabbed a black one and places it on Levi's head. He looked pretty good in it so I placed it with the clothes. After the clothes were checked out I payed for them and we left. We stoped at other stores and bought some other things. After we were done we went back to the car and places the bags in the trunk. 

We drove to the movie theater but none of the movies caught our interest so we went to a cafe near by. We went inside and a maid came to us and took us to a table. We both order earl grey tea with milk and a couple of scones.

We both stay there and talk until around 8.

"I should take you home already or do you wish to go somewhere else." I say.

"No, I need to go home and do my homework and my mother might be worry."

"Alright lets go." I says as I gave him a smile.

We both got up. I went to pay and then we left. I turn on the car and ask him for his address. Once I had it i started driving.

Once I arrive at his place I parked and open up the trunk. I took out the bags and walked by his side. He nockes on the door and a very beautiful woman opens the door. 

"Levi, I've been worry about you."

"Sorry mom. Mom this is (Y/N) the friend I was going to hang out with."

She turns toward me and smiles, "Pleasure meeting you  (Y/N)."

"Pleasures all mine Madam." I say as I gave her a smile.

She smiles and asks me if I want to come in. I reply with a yes and went in. Levi took me to his room and I place the bags on his bed.

"So, this is your room?"

"Yeah it's not much but it's something."

There's a nock on the door and Levi's mom comes in. "I've brought you some tea with a piece of cake." She says happily.

"Thank you." I say politely.

She left the room and Levi and I just talked.

"So you've never told me what happen to your mother." He says.

"Oh, umm..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

I gave him a smile and said, "I'll make you a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

I chuckle darkly as I say, "For the next three months I will train you in fighting skills and at the end of the three months we'll have a fight. If you beat me I'll tell you. Deal or no deal."

He thought about it for a second, "Deal." He finally said.

I laugh darkly, "Oh, I'm gonna have so fun." I say smiling like a lunatic.

"Stop that. You're scaring me."

I chuckle lightly before getting up and giving him a hug, "Well I got to go. I'll see ya tomorrow."

I left said goodbye to his mother and drove home?

Punk Feminine Looking Male Reader x Nerd LeviWhere stories live. Discover now