The begining

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Bojack gets back in his Tesla as the group of horses runs by, he drives further down the road as Stars continues to play as he pulls a U-turn, a turtle in a Mazda sedan honks at him. Bojack turns up the radio now going over a hundred passing by multiple cars kicking up the desert dust and dirt. He pulled out his flask closing his eyes briefly, tossing it overboard, hitting the side of the car leaving a large dent. He opened his eyes to see a yellow Volkswagen bug in front of him, he slammed on the breaks but it was too late (Screen goes two dimension on side, characters go black as well as the road/cars then the screen goes black entirely)

(Intro plays as well as theme song, Bojack's face and shoulders moving through his room, the living room which no longer shows other characters and shows the Tesla in the pool with the broken window, then to a background of the Horsin' Around with Ethan moving around and the lights flickering. Then to Sarah Lynn's Funeral, mother and dad crying as well as a few others. It shows him at his house partying, with everyone from the secretariat cast, as well as others Mr. Peanutbutter sipping a beer. Then Bojack laying on his couch soaked with stains and covered in beer bottles. Goes to the house scene, list creator, illustrator, and designer.

There was a faint beeping as Bojack jolted awake immediately breaking into a cold sweat panting, sitting up. He checked his surrounding trying to get up but he couldn't move. He yelled in pain tearing up in his eyes he grabbed the side of his bed, He was in his original clothes, he looked down (Switches to First person P.O.V the bone was cracked and unaligned, blood spilling out) A tan black haired doctor walked in with a package of what looked like casting and stitches, as well as a small string of black ribbon.

Doctor: "Okay Mr...(He looks at the clipboard at the end of the bed rolling himself to the front) Horseman? Is that right? Alrighty let's get started here with a little checklist."

Doctor: "Do you feel pain when I do this...(He turns his broken arm to the right)?"

Bojack Screams waking up a few of the patients in another room.

Bojack: "Yes! Holy shit why the hell would you...WHY!?!!" He screamed.

Doctor: "Just a procedure we have to do Mr. Horseman." He said moving it to the left.

The doctor continued testing until finally injecting Bojack with a numbing agent, giving him anesthesia and the doctors began their procedure. The nurse googled a tutorial and Bojack's eyes widened before he fell asleep.

Nurse (white female, brown hair): "Pfft, get's them every time."

She handed the doctor the "Temporary glue" and moved the arm back to place applying generously.

(Plays shot themed beats switching scenes to Mr. Peanutbutters house)


Mr. Peanutbutter: "Okay, okay so first what you want to do is get your ground beef (Cow filming walks away with a sour face) Sorry Dave! And you add the paprika, ground black garlic and a tad of green chives.

The camera switched on the food Mr. Peanut Butter mixing it up, eating a piece of the cold raw meat. Everyone said Mr. Peanut Butter in a sitcom voice, then the cute cartoon Mr. Peanut Butter with a chef hat appears on the screen with the title "Cooking with Peanut Butter"

Mr. Peanut Butter spit out the meat, washed his hands as the background credits rolled.

Director (Bengal Tiger, wearing a scarf and a suit): "That's a wrap, we'll get our stuff out of your house within ten." He said patting Mr. Peanutbutter on the back

Bojack Horseman: Portrait of a lieWhere stories live. Discover now