Thriller Task's Round Reward...!

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Heya loveliest reviewers,

We have selected the winner of the round who would be evaluated at the end of the month with the other round winners to select the luckiest of all and bags a page in the 'interview book' with a tag for all of his or her books, along with a complete read by the admins, for the book assigned here .

So the winner of the round is💓

We had decided this as  menaka92 was the first one to complete the task without any mistakes, errors, reminders and had the best review written.

Congratulations dear for the win..! ✨
The others, u all still have a great chance as we are going to have a lot many rounds ahead. In which you can be the next winner and have a chance at winning a page in the 'interview book'. Isn't it exciting...?

Next target is just some hours away...!
Until then
Happy wattpading ...! ✨
Keep creating...! ✨
Keep reading...! ✨
Keep spreading ur spell...! ✨

With love💓
Admins of the month

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