Battle of the bad sides

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One day Jack woke up and was ready for a full day of recording videos with Mark. He made his way down the stairs to get a coffee and over to the computer and set everything up ready until his phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Jack says as he answers his phone

"Hey Jack, it's Mark"

"Oh hey Mark, What's up?" Jack asks

"I can't make videos with you today, is it ok if we can postpone it?" Mark replies

"Yeah that's fine"Jack says very chipper

"Thanks, well I better be off" Mark says

"Yeah me too" Jack replies

"Bye, Bye"


As Jack hangs up the phone he felt a little disappointed, Jack then decided to record with Bob instead. Bob and Jack were recording and having great fun until a strange conversation began to unfold.

"Hey Bob, have you notice that Mark has been acting a little strange lately as if he was hiding something?"

"Yeah, but it's probably nothing, he might just be having an off day" Bob replies

"You're probably right, Well it was a pleasure recording with you Bob, now I better be off and edit these videos now" Jack says

"it was a pleasure recording with you too Jack, well until next time, Bye" Bob says

"Bye" Jack replies

Later that day Jack was editing the videos he had done with Bob until he heard a strange noise outside of his office door, Jack opens the office door revealing a person figure standing there. The figure then grabs Jack by the throat and shoves him against a wall.

"M...Mark?" Jack says struggling to free himself from the figures grasp

The figure lets out a little evil chuckle before replying

"I'm not Markiplier"

"Then who are you?" Jack asks

"Me? I'm Darkiplier, Marks demonic half"

"Mark doesn't have a demonic half" Jack says confused

"Everyone has a demon in there somewhere" Dark replies

"No, Mark I know you're in there, snap out of it!"

"I'm sorry Jack, He's got control of my body, I can't do anything"Mark says before changing back into Dark

"Mark!" Jack shouts struggling to break free

All of a sudden Jack stopped struggling,

"Put me down Dark"

"And who's gonna make me?"

Out of no where Jack begins to give a little giggle and his blue eyes changed into a vibrant green.

"I am" He replies

"Oh and who are you?" Dark asks

"I'm Antisepticeye" he replies

"I've heard of you"

"Then you know what I'm capable off, now let Jack go"

"And why should I do that?"

"Come on Mark, you can control him like I did with Anti" Jack says

"Shut up!" Dark shouts slamming Jack against the wall again

"Mark trust me" Jack says struggling to breath

"Jack" Mark says letting go of Jack causing Jack to fall on the floor

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